Quality in Agile Software Development — The Need for Speed

Sarmad Behzad Butt
Inside Arbisoft
Published in
4 min readMar 6, 2024

“Shipping quickly” has become a common goal for teams aiming to stay competitive and meet ever-evolving user demands. However, the misconception often arises that speeding up the development cycle necessarily leads to a compromise in quality. In this blog, we’ll explore how it’s possible to ship quicker in software without sacrificing the essential element of quality.

Agile Frameworks: A Grey Structure

Agile frameworks such as XP, Scrum, or Kanban, are designed to enhance adaption, collaboration, flexibility, and responsiveness in software development resulting in quick release cycles. They ensure that smaller, manageable features are delivered promptly and regularly, allowing for continuous improvement based on feedback. Contrary to the misconception that Agile prioritizes speed over quality, it enhances the quality of the software by incorporating constant user feedback and making necessary adjustments throughout the development process.

Once adopting an Agile framework, teams should make sure they are not just adapting a few practices or events from it but the whole framework and most importantly the values and principles mentioned in the Manifesto for Agile Software Development.

Customer-Centric Development: The Key to Success

In the modern software scene, user satisfaction is paramount.

Rapid development doesn’t mean cutting corners but rather ensuring that the software aligns closely with user needs and expectations. By adopting a customer-centric approach, development teams can prioritize the most valuable features, address user feedback promptly, and continually refine the software based on user experiences. This iterative process not only enhances the quality of the software but also ensures it remains relevant in an ever-changing market.

Automated Testing: Fortifying your Castle

The introduction of automated testing has revolutionized software development by providing rapid and efficient validation of code changes.

Comprehensive testing suites, including unit, integration, regression, and end-to-end tests, facilitate rapid and consistent feedback on code functionality. This not only expedites the development process but also acts as a vigilant guardian against repetitive manual regressions in different environments, assuring that each code change maintains the software’s integrity.

CI/CD: Paving the Express Lane

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines automate the integration, testing, and deployment phases, significantly reducing the time between code changes and production.

By automating build, test, and deployment processes, CI/CD minimizes human error, accelerates release cycles, and ensures that each release is a polished version of the software. Integrating these practices is not a compromise but a strategic move to uphold quality throughout the development lifecycle.

Essentialism: Feature Prioritization

Shipping quickly does not equate to delivering a half-baked product. The key is in judiciously prioritizing essential features that deliver immediate value to users. Feature prioritization along with this iterative approach allows for frequent releases while maintaining a focus on quality. User feedback becomes the compass guiding subsequent enhancements, guaranteeing that each iteration is a quality evolution.

Various techniques are used for prioritization like MoSCoW, Eisenhower, Effort/Impact matrix, Kano, RICE, WSJF, etc.

Balancing Act: Time as a Competitive Edge

In the competitive landscape of software, time-to-market is often a critical factor. Rapid development, far from compromising quality, becomes a strategic advantage.

Striking the right balance between timely releases and perfecting every feature ensures that the software not only meets user expectations promptly but also remains competitive and adaptable in a fast-evolving market.

Cultivating Quality as a Core Tenet

Quality should not be a casualty in the pursuit of speed; rather, it should be ingrained in the DNA of the development team.

Emphasizing rigorous code reviews, adherence to coding standards, and a commitment to producing clean, maintainable code nurtures a culture where quality is non-negotiable, regardless of delivery speed.


In dispelling the myth that shipping quicker in software compromises quality, it is essential to recognize the synergy between speed and excellence. Embracing Agile software development frameworks, automated testing, CI/CD practices, and a user-centric mindset collectively contribute to a development environment where rapid releases and top-notch quality coexist harmoniously. The narrative needs to shift from a trade-off mentality to an understanding that accelerating success in software is not just about speed but about delivering a product that continually exceeds expectations.



Sarmad Behzad Butt
Inside Arbisoft

Project Manager @ Arbisoft | Certified ScrumMaster | Agile Software Development | https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarmadbehzad/