Optimizing E-Learning Efficiency: Harnessing the Power of Elucidat and Docebo Integration

Bushra Farooq
Inside Arbisoft
Published in
4 min readMay 14, 2024

This topic focuses on the synergy between Elucidat and Docebo in creating engaging and impactful e-learning experiences. It explores how organizations can leverage Elucidat’s intuitive authoring tools to design interactive and visually appealing content, which is seamlessly integrated into Docebo’s LMS for effective delivery and learner management. The article can delve into case studies or examples of successful implementations, highlighting the benefits of this integration in driving learning outcomes and organizational success.

Elucidat and Docebo are both prominent and promising tools in the e-learning domain, each serving distinct roles. Elucidat is a cloud-based authoring platform that allows users to create high-quality digital learning content that is accessible globally across various devices. It’s an authoring tool, that enables the creation of interactive and responsive e-learning content without requiring any coding skills. It provides templates, themes, and interactive elements to facilitate course development and emphasizes collaborative authoring. Additionally, Elucidat offers analytics and reporting features to monitor learner progress and engagement.

Docebo, on the other hand, serves as a learning management system (LMS), acting as a centralized platform for delivering, managing, and tracking online training programs. It allows organizations to upload, organize, assign, and track e-learning content, incorporating features like social learning and mobile compatibility to enhance the learning experience. Docebo also integrates with various third-party tools and content libraries to expand its capabilities.

While Elucidat focuses on content creation and design, Docebo specializes in content delivery, management, and learner tracking. When used together, they complement each other, with content created in Elucidat easily uploaded to and managed within Docebo for distribution to learners. This integration enables organizations to leverage the strengths of both platforms to deliver comprehensive and effective online training programs.

Here comes the role of SCORM. SCORM is known as the Sharable Content Object Reference Model and is a set of technical standards for eLearning software. SCORM allows interoperability between different learning management systems (LMS) and authoring tools. Hence, we can use Elucidat SCORM packages in Docebo. This integration allows organizations to harness the interactive and responsive e-learning content developed in Elucidat within the centralized learning environment provided by Docebo. Here’s a step-by-step guide to using Elucidat SCORM packages within Docebo:

  1. Exporting SCORM from Elucidat: Create engaging courses in Elucidat and export them as SCORM packages. These packages encapsulate the interactive content in a format compatible with various LMS platforms.
  2. Uploading to Docebo: Create a course and upload the SCORM package as training material in the course, then assign users/learners so they can seamlessly access the material as a standalone course or part of a learning plan.

In Docebo, tracking progress for SCORM packages involves monitoring learners’ interactions and completion status within the SCORM-compliant courses. Here’s how progress for SCORMs is managed in Docebo:

  1. Learner Engagement: When learners access SCORM courses within Docebo, their interactions with the content are tracked. This includes activities such as viewing pages, completing knowledge checks, or interacting with multimedia elements.
  2. Progress Tracking: Docebo tracks learners’ progress within SCORM courses, recording their completion status as they navigate through the content. This includes tracking the percentage of content viewed, completion of quizzes, and any other criteria defined within the SCORM package. Tracking learner progress is a major benefit of SCORM, providing insights into learners’ engagement and understanding.

For Elucidat SCORMs, there are two types of progress tracked in both Docebo and Elucidat:

a. Course Completion Progress: This tracks progress at the course level and is based on the percentage completion set during SCORM creation. For instance, if the progress threshold is set to 70%, the course is marked as completed once the user completes 70% of the course in Docebo, and the same progress is sent to Elucidat, i.e., the user has attempted 70 pages out of 100 pages to achieve 70% completion. b. Page Progress: This measures progress at the page level. Elucidat courses consist of multiple pages, which together form the course and are published as a SCORM file. The progress is determined by how many pages the user has visited or attempted. For example, in a 100-page course, achieving 10% progress would mean the user had attempted 10 pages. So, to achieve 100% progress, the user must attempt all 100 pages. This type of progress isn’t displayed in Docebo at the course or report level but can be determined by tracking the number of pages attempted out of the total course pages. Another way to find page progress is to use an xAPI tool or a browser development tool to track user progress through a specific attribute (result_extension: [https://app.elucidat.com/xapi/progress]).

  1. Grading and Assessment: If the SCORM package contains quizzes or assessments, Docebo records learners’ scores and performance. Administrators can access grading information to evaluate learners’ comprehension and performance within the course.

Overall, Docebo offers robust tracking and reporting capabilities for Elucidat SCORM courses, enabling administrators to monitor learners’ progress, assess their performance, and ensure compliance with training requirements. This comprehensive approach helps organizations deliver effective and engaging e-learning experiences while meeting their training objectives.

