Being Named a ‘Top Writer’ on Medium is The Digital Equivalent of a Participation Trophy

Why You Shouldn’t Attach Your Self Worth To Arbitrary Titles

Brian Brewington
inside Blogging
4 min readApr 7, 2018


Photo credit: Illustration by Branco via

I’m currently a ‘Top Writer’ in five different categories here on Medium. As I close in on my first full year writing here regularly, I’ve been named the same in about seven to nine others I can think of off the top of my head — only to lose them before I even understood what I did to acquire them in the first place. Here’s what I’ve come to realize — it’s all one big subjective circle jerk.

I won’t lie, I was ecstatic the first time I received an email notifying me I had been named a ‘Top Writer’. It really is exhilarating to believe we’re the top anything. So many of us pour everything we have into our craft. it’s nice to feel recognized for our efforts, even if only for a fleeting moment.

I get why Medium does it, it’s encouraging. It’s their way of recognizing and rewarding hard work. I’m not trashing them for it, it’s meant to serve as a positive reinforcement. But the amount of people I’ve seen take this and run with it before adding it to their bios as if they’ve just won a Pulitzer is comical.

I don’t intend to insult my constituents — my intent is to keep us all honest and grounded. To remain objective about my own work and not attach my self worth to subjective, fleeting and somewhat meaningless titles.

The emails informing me I’ve been named a top writer in a category always include a short list of the other writers who have as well. These usually include some of my favorite writers on this platform. While I acknowledge it puts me in great company — I hope they can all see it for what it is as well. It’s a manufactured mirage, one that comes and goes at random and means little.

Have you ever worked at a job, where the ass kisser of the company is promoted to middle management or given some made up title — one that comes with more responsibility but not much additional income or benefits?

Smart companies give these titles and positions to the perfect candidates — people who care about outside appearances and outer score cards. Those who attach their self worth to such worthlessness. It’s all one big charade, meant to inflate your head but does little for actually improving your life or career.

I dare you to send a pitch to a publisher or agent and add in the fact you’ve been named a top writer on Medium, with a serious face on. It’s a fantastic way to get your feelings hurt or perhaps bringing you back down to earth. They don’t give a shit. Sit down — be humble.

Though I am probably the furthest thing from a Stoic, I’m an avid reader of Ryan Holiday’s work. Anyone familiar with his work, knows how big of an influence Marcus Aurelius, Seneca and a handful of other Stoic philosophers have had on him. You can’t read as much of his stuff as I do and not learn to at least appreciate Stoicism. It’s from Ryan and therefore ultimately these Stoics, I’ve learned to let go of ego. To see things for what they truly are and never allow myself to be blinded by my own misconceptions or praise from others.

Below is a quote from Ryan’s latest article on Medium, one composed primarily of quotes from Marcus himself that perfectly sums up why I don’t put a whole lot of stock into the top writer nonsense.

“Ambition,” he reminded himself, “means tying your well-being to what other people say or do…Sanity means tying it to your own actions.” Doing good work is what matters. Recognition and rewards — those are just extra. To be too attached to results you don’t control? That’s a recipe for misery.

If this article upset you, perhaps you should assess if it’s because you attach your self worth to arbitrary honors from people you’ve never met. The truth is, there’s no such thing as a top writer. We’re all just writers. Focus on the writing part, as opposed to trying to make it to the top and watch how much better off both you and your work are for it.

To put things in perspective, I’ve been named a top writer in ‘Life Lessons’ — yet you should understand if you’re taking Life Lessons from me, you’re going to have a bad time. I’m one of the most uninformed and over opinionated people I know. I’m not qualified to be handing out life lessons. In fact, I imagine very few people here are. I only use the tag because I like to write about what I’ve learned from my vast array of life experiences, they’re not meant to necessarily teach anyone anything. Your life, is your life. Lessons I’ve learned in mine could help but I wouldn’t count on it. I am not your guru.

Don’t get me wrong, enjoy the rewards and recognition your work receives for a brief moment. Take stock of all you’ve done to get you to that point — but then get back to doing it. Nobody on Instagram or Facebook cares. The large majority of your Facebook friends don’t even know what Medium is. You just sound self absorbed telling people who only read status updates, that you’ve been named a top writer. Don’t live in a self inflated bubble your ego built. Because as Marcus Aurelius reminded himself, doing good work is what matters, all of the rest is just extra.



Brian Brewington
inside Blogging

Writing About the Human Condition, via My Thoughts, Observations, Experiences, and Opinions — Founder of Journal of Journeys and BRB INC ©