Editor’s Letter From a Medium Company

Vico Biscotti
inside Blogging
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2018

Hi, there.

Enough of present or future humans.

Who cares about humans, now that sex robots are there?

From now on, all featured content will be about robots. Or robot on trips. Or trips with robots. Or trips narrated by robots.

You know which trips I mean, uh?

Don’t bother submitting to the busy editorial team because — and I’m so excited about this — all stories will be commissioned outside. That will increase both the quality of the magazine and the number of readers of those stories, for the best of us all.

That said, we have all the tools to customize your feed based on your reading interests. Damn, we’re in the AI era. We can count hairs under your armpits. But we know that you prefer content selected manually by our expert editors, so we’ll select two of those stories and make a single letter to all of you.

I’m sure you will appreciate this effort in curation. We’re aiming at the moon for you!

Also, that way, early in the morning we’ll be done and go to the beach. Which is a respectable goal, given the season.

We’re eager to have your feedback about this, so please write your comments at the happiness team. Don’t worry; we care about your privacy. So, we’ll just count the total of messages once a week, and trash them all.

Happy reading!

