I Wish Medium Would Dial Down the Partisan Brainwashing

Lauri Elias
inside Blogging
Published in
4 min readOct 4, 2020


You’ve maybe noticed Medium has scrambled to make changes lately. I’m quite satisfied with how the new front page focuses much more on what I care about now than the latest scandalous hashtag.

The newsletters need tweaking yet. These are from the first ones I got after re-subscribing in September (did so because I wanted to read Scott Galloway), after Evan’s post about a more personal Medium:

‘Here’s some #MeToo with your #BLM’, I’m fairly certain the one with the not-so-obvious title also won’t be able to avoid the topic du jour somehow.

Small break reading FIRE porn, then back to #BLM we go.

‘We see you’re from Eastern Europe, here’s some more of them American Politics’.

‘In case you missed it’.

Have I really clapped so much for stuff like this? Shouldn’t Medium’s blockchain-AI-quantum-social-algorithm be trapping me in my ‘personal filter bubble’?

