Multilingual Publishing on Medium — First Impact

Disclaimer: don’t shoot the messenger.

Vico Biscotti
inside Blogging


An updated and extended version of this article is now available:

You might want to read the following only for more details about Medium experiments in the past and my first contact with the topic.

Medium is one of the most promising publishing platforms today. Fresh air, for those arriving.

Until issues arise. For example, multilingual publishing.

Let’s start from the official documentation

How do I publish multilingually? What a strange site… A publishing platform, but no mention to multilingual. Obviously, I was missing something. I was sorry to bother the support team with such a silly question but I needed to ask… Unfortunately, I do not have the text of my question, but I was probably asking about policies on multilingual publishing and where to find help on this topic.

Curt answer from Medium support (May 2017): “On Medium, you can publish in any…

