Your Tech Articles Are Numbingly Boring. Here Is How To Make Them Interesting Again

There is no formula for a successful article, but there are some do’s and don’ts you might want to be aware of before publishing your work.

Fernando Doglio
inside Blogging


One of the great things about Medium and any other blogging platform honestly, is that literally anyone can write and publish their content. And funny enough, one of the worst things about them is exactly that same thing.

Let me ask you this: do you find yourself often captured by the articles you read? Or do you normally skim through them trying to find what you’re looking for, ignoring all the extra mumble-jumble authors add to fill in the blank space? Just because anyone can write, doesn’t mean you have to like it.

So, by leveraging my own experience writing technical articles, in this one I’m going to try and list the generic structure your technical articles should have in order to succeed at their purpose (which is to transmit information to readers).

There are no magic formulae to figure out the perfect structure, but trust me, I’ll try to get as close as possible here!

A Strong But Short Intro



Fernando Doglio
inside Blogging

I write about technology, freelancing and more. Check out my FREE newsletter if you’re into Software Development: