The Truth About Not to Succeed on Medium

And how to deal with it.

Vico Biscotti
inside Blogging


I know, we read every day about people who make a living out of their writing on Medium. And probably some of them are earning a living with Medium exactly because they tell us that they’re earning a living with Medium.

But your earnings don’t seem to skyrocket. Nor to buy you a smartphone.

Well, earning a few thousand on Medium is possible. Someone made it.

They’ll give you advice, and the first one is to post daily, or frequently. And you know what? It’s true. Their advice is real advice. Look at their work, and you’ll see that they do what they advice.

But there’s one truth that only a few of them will tell you.

The truth

What you write about matters.

I’m sure you noticed what works on Medium. And I’m sure you noticed that a large part of the mediumers is writers, experienced or novice or aspiring, whatever.

So, the king of the content is writing about Medium. Positive writing, pay attention. Critics to Medium are not welcome. You need advice, success stories, tips, anything that could someway help someone to succeed on Medium. Or to believe to succeed.

