Why I Didn’t Write in My Native Language

I wrote one year on Medium in English, although not being a native English speaker. But the exposure was a minor reason.

Vico Biscotti
inside Blogging


Source: Unsplash

English is not my native language. My English is not good so that I had articles dismissed by publications because of my English. A couple of editors made several corrections to my stories, to have them published without being ashamed.

After one year on Medium, things are slightly better, but I can write much better in Italian. Still, unless exceptions, I didn’t write in Italian during this year, and not just for exposure reasons.

How it started

17 months ago, I left a loved full-time job. It was a harsh stop, so I needed a pause.

While in a gap year, I wanted to return to writing.

But writing is about communicating. And I wanted to have nothing to do with my previous reality. I needed a period off.

I could work at a book, in Italian, but blogging was a different matter. Much different. Direct and immediate contact with readers.

Also, I had a problem with my professional identity. What would have been of my professional life? I had ideas, but weird ideas. I’m an engineer. I’ve been a…

