GO-vatar series: API Learning & Development

Ferawati Hartanti Pratiwi
Inside Bukalapak
Published in
4 min readJun 12, 2020



DO NOT stay in your comfort zone forever. Keep learning and develop yourself.

Hi to whoever is reading this article, I hope we develop ourselves together.

This time I back with another recipe other than last recipe I shared to you. This recipe (I hope) is very simple. You can do it alone, because I’ve done it by myself.



What should we do?

Setup GO

Please read chapter Preparation in Recipe To Boil Web Automation With Go Language.

Setup Framework

$ go get -u github.com/gorilla/mux


$ cd $GOPATH/project/go/src/github.com

$ mkdir golang-API && cd golang-API

golang-API structure folder

Modify main.go

Create and modify not_found.go inside endpoint folder.

Let’s run!

Remember the port we initialize in https://gist.github.com/mpermperpisang/51ce89c2c51d86d76c2f8bc3274d7249#file-main-go-L15.

$ go run main.go

Well, that’s the basic. Now let’s go to the next level.

For easy step I recommend you to clone this repository.

We need a little by little modification in main.go .

GET Endpoint

r.HandleFunc(“/get”, example.Get).Methods(http.MethodGet)

  • The endpoint is localhost:8181/get
  • Call function Get in package example
  • Hit endpoint by method GET
  • Need header Content-Type with content application/json
  • Response status should be 200
  • Response body should be like this

POST Endpoint

r.HandleFunc(“/post”, example.Post).Methods(http.MethodPost)

  • The endpoint is localhost:8181/post
  • Call function Post in package example
  • Hit endpoint by method POST
  • Need header Content-Type with content application/json
  • Response status should be 201
  • Response body should be like this

PUT Endpoint

r.HandleFunc(“/put”, example.Put).Methods(http.MethodPut)

  • The endpoint is localhost:8181/put
  • Call function Put in package example
  • Hit endpoint by method PUT
  • Need header Content-Type with content application/json
  • Response status should be 202
  • Response body should be like this

PATCH Endpoint

r.HandleFunc(“/patch”, example.Patch).Methods(http.MethodPatch)

  • The endpoint is localhost:8181/patch
  • Call function Patch in package example
  • Hit endpoint by method PATCH
  • Need header Content-Type with content application/json
  • Response status should be 200
  • Response body should be like this

DELETE Endpoint

r.HandleFunc(“/delete”, example.Delete).Methods(http.MethodDelete)

  • The endpoint is localhost:8181/delete
  • Call function Delete in package example
  • Hit endpoint by method DELETE
  • Need header Content-Type with content application/json
  • Response status should be 200
  • Response body should be like this

Easy right? No need many data content modification.

The endpoint URL above is very simple to begin with. Next we’ll try to add some data as a parameter or part of the URL.

I’m sure you see often endpoint like this :

localhost:8181/get/1 or localhost:8181/get?id=1

Mandatory URL

r.HandleFunc(“/example/biodata/{id}”, example.GetOneID).Methods(http.MethodGet)

  • The endpoint is localhost:8181/get/1
  • Call function GetOneID in package example
  • Hit endpoint by method GET

Optional Parameter URL

r.Path(“/example/biodata”).Queries(“id”, “{id}”).HandlerFunc(example.GetParamOneID).Methods(http.MethodGet)

  • The endpoint is localhost:8181/get?id=1
  • Call function GetParamOneID in package example
  • Hit endpoint by method GET

Both of the endpoint above need to read the ID.

Left picture the ID is integer but in the right side the ID is string. That’s just for example so you guys can see the different.


Well, that’s all. Easy recipe to create a simple API. Please enjoy! — MperMperPisang



Ferawati Hartanti Pratiwi
Inside Bukalapak

Continuously striving to elevate QA standards with a quality-focused mindset