How Effective Supply Chain Plays a Crucial Role in Modernizing Warungs

Caesario Parlindungan
Inside Bukalapak
Published in
4 min readJul 25, 2023

Since its establishment in 2017, Mitra Bukalapak has been on a mission to empower Indonesia’s traditional retailers, especially warungs, with digitalization. Now, we are proud to say that Mitra Bukalapak has exceeded that mission. We have seen how the lives of these warung owners have changed for the better after utilizing our app to run their businesses. We have witnessed how they have transformed from becoming small traditional stalls into modern retailers.

Certainly, we would love to see more warungs go through their transformation journey. That is why we keep working on improving our features and services in order to make them more impactful to the warung owners. These services include groceries, from which warungs can order their stock and get them delivered to their doorsteps. Other than the convenience, the service brings multiple benefits to warung owners. With access to a diverse range of wholesale items at the palm of their hand, they can expand their product offerings and create visually appealing displays at their store, just like what their modern counterparts do. Adding the offerings with 42 virtual products from Mitra Bukalapak app, these warungs would surely be able to attract more customers. Our internal data shows that they have been able to boost their income up to 3 times.

One of the key drivers behind our success in providing the impactful feature is streamlining the complex supply processes. How do we do it? Let us spill the tea.

Simplicity As the Game Changer

Mitra Bukalapak simplifies the supply chain by connecting principles and suppliers directly to warung owners, eliminating unnecessary intermediaries. Through our platform, the process of getting stock becomes more convenient and cost-efficient for warungs. As a result, they could maintain the availability of their stock and offer their products at reasonable rates to their customers.

This is a solution to the accessibility issues a lot of warungs have been facing. They would have to close the store down for the day only to shop for stock from the suppliers. Pausing their business means less revenue and it slows down their growth.

Now, with just a few clicks, Mitra Bukalapak users can effortlessly expand their product offerings. Some of them even had to expand their warung’s size in order to make room for more display shelves. As a result, their warung looks and serves a lot like modern convenience stores. This integration of technology and diverse product offerings empowers warungs and other micro businesses to adapt and thrive in the evolving retail landscape.

Transformation Journey of Warungs

Mitra Bukalapak’s effort in improving accessibility through a simplified supply chain has positively impacted warung owners throughout the country. One of them is Jumiati, our Mitra from Palembang, South Sumatra.

Mia, as she is usually called, is running her warung in the city’s remote area by the tributary of Musi River. She used to face difficulties in ensuring a steady supply of goods for her warung. Her location, which is challenging to reach, even with two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles — made it difficult to find a reliable supplier.

Jumiati, a registered Mitra Bukalapak from Palembang

Fortunately, Mia has now been able to effortlessly fulfill her grocery stock needs. Mitra Bukalapak’s grocery delivery service which is available in multiple areas within the country has solved Mia’s pain point.

Her business even flourished and gained a great reputation among her loyal customers for its comprehensive product offerings. Mia’s income has also skyrocketed, earning three times higher than before she utilized Mitra Bukalapak.

Another inspiring story comes from Rostina in South Sulawesi. Being determined to earn more out of her warung business by selling more than physical products, Rostina decided to give Mitra Bukalapak app a try. Due to its user-friendliness, Rostina could master it quickly. Now, her warung has transformed into a bustling hub for virtual products and financial services, providing her customers with convenient interbank payment solutions. Thanks to this success, Rostina has enjoyed triple revenue growth, renovated her house, and expanded her warung.

Rostina’s house and physical stall

At Mitra Bukalapak, we are steadfast in upholding our commitment to empowering micro-enterprises and helping them tackle all the challenges, including the ones related to accessibility. Nothing beats the feeling of seeing all of these amazing transformations enabled by our feature. So, we will continuously adjust our solutions to our Mitras’ ever-evolving needs.

