L&D series: Automation For Webview

Ferawati Hartanti Pratiwi
Inside Bukalapak
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2020

Learning and Development chapter 1.

Let’s take a break from Golang. I’m using Java this time. For now, I’ll share a random article but it still related to automation. More precisely I will discuss how to automate webview with Appium.

Set Current Context


Details :

  • androidDriver as our driver. If we’re naming it with iosDriver or even just driver , we should rename it with the one we have.
  • allContext as our context such as native or web-view. If we’re not sure what context do we have, just System.out.println(context) inside the looping.
  • AFAIK webview context is always or maybe mostly have WEBVIEW. So we just need to check it first before moving the context.
  • Yeah, that’s it. With that code, we’ve already got a switch from native to webview. If we have more than 1 of webview context, just switch the context outside the looping because the webview probably has a different name.
  • Just change the if (context.contains("NATIVE")) if we’re willing to do the opposite or androidDriver.context("NATIVE"); without a conditional statement (just make sure that the context name is correct).

Find Element


Details :

  • We can use elements by their CSS, ID, Name, or XPath.
  • No need to define By.cssSelector(".qa-css") .

Get Text


Details :

  • First, find the element we want to get the text from.
  • We can use elements by their CSS, ID, Name, or XPath.
  • Appium has already provided a method getText() just use it to get much text that we want to validate.



Details :

  • Appium has already provided a method get() just use it to get into many URLs we want to go to.

Get Title


  • Appium has already provided a method getTitle() just use it to get the browser title of the current context.

Go Back


Details :

  • Appium has already provided a method back() just use it to get back to the previous page of our webview.



Details :

  • Appium has already provided a method refresh() just use it to refresh our webview page.



Details :

  • First, find the element we want to be clicked.
  • We can use elements by their CSS, ID, Name, or XPath.
  • Appium has already provided a method click() just use it to tap any element in webview.

Send Keys


Details :

  • First, find the element we want to send the key's value.
  • We can use elements by their CSS, ID, Name, or XPath.
  • Appium has already provided a method sendKeys() just use it to send any value to some textfield.

Clear Element


Details :

  • First, find the element we want to clear the value.
  • We can use elements by their CSS, ID, Name, or XPath.
  • Appium has already provided a method clear() just use it to clear the value of some fields.

Delete All Cookies


Details :

  • Appium has already provided a method manage().deleteAllCookies() just use it to clear all of our webview browser cookies.

Switch To Frame


Details :

  • Appium has already provided a method switchTo().frame() just to switch the frame to whatever frame we want.

You can read more documentation in the Appium official website of course.

See you at my next Learning and Development chapter. — MperMperPisang



Ferawati Hartanti Pratiwi
Inside Bukalapak

QA (Quality Ambassador) | mpermperpisang official Medium account