BUX Zero, our new zero-commission stock trading app

Introduction to backtesting trading strategies

Learn how to build and backtest trading strategies using zipline

Eryk Lewinson
Inside BUX
Published in
10 min readSep 25, 2019


Investing was always associated with large amounts of money, both in terms of the invested amount as well as costs associated with it. Here at BUX we want to make investing accessible to everyone. That is why we recently launched BUX Zero in the Netherlands and other European countries will follow soon! BUX Zero is a zero-commission stock trading app, which makes investing not only accessible but also easy to do directly from your phone.

I thought the launch of our new app was a good opportunity for me to continue my series on quantitative finance! In the first part, I described the stylized facts of asset returns. Now I would like to introduce the concept of backtesting trading strategies and how to do it using existing frameworks in Python.

What is backtesting?

Let’s start with a trading strategy. It can be defined as a method (based on predefined rules) of buying and/or selling assets in markets. These rules can be based on, for example, technical analysis or machine learning models.

Backtesting is basically evaluating the performance of a trading strategy on historical data — if we used a given strategy on a set of assets in the past, how well/bad would it have performed. Of course, there is no guarantee that past performance is indicative of the future one, but we can still investigate!

There are a few available frameworks for backtesting in Python, in this article, I decided to use zipline.

Why zipline?

Some of the nice features offered by the zipline environment include:

  • ease of use — there is a clear structure of how to build a backtest and what outcome we can expect, so the majority of the time can be spent on developing state-of-the-art trading strategies :)
  • realistic — includes transaction costs, slippage, order delays, etc.
  • stream-based — processes each event individually, thus avoids look-ahead bias
  • it comes with many easily-accessible statistical measures, such as moving average, linear regression, etc. — no need to code them from scratch
  • integration with PyData ecosystem — zipline uses Pandas DataFrames for storing input data, as well as performance metrics
  • it is easy to integrate other libraries, such asmatplotlib, scipy, statsmodels and sklearn into the workflow of building and evaluating strategies
  • developed and updated by Quantopian which provides a web-interface for zipline, historical data and even live-trading capabilities

I believe these arguments speak for themselves. Let’s start coding!

Setting up the virtual environment using conda

The most convenient way to install zipline is to use a virtual environment. In this article, I use conda to do so. I create a new environment with Python 3.5 (I experienced issues with using 3.6 or 3.7) and then install zipline. You can also pip install it.

# create new virtual environment
conda create -n env_zipline python=3.5
# activate it
conda activate env_zipline
# install zipline
conda install -c Quantopian zipline

For everything to be working properly you should also install jupyter and other packages used in this article (see the watermark printout below).

Importing libraries

First, we need to load IPython extensions using the %load_ext magic.

%load_ext watermark
%load_ext zipline

Then we import the rest of the libraries:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import zipline
from yahoofinancials import YahooFinancials
import warnings
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [16, 9]
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 200
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)

Below you can see the list of libraries used in this article, together with their versions.

Import custom data

zipline comes ready with data downloaded from Quandl (the WIKI database). You can always inspect the already ingested data by running:

!zipline bundles

The issue with this approach is that in mid-2018 the data was discontinued and there is no data for the last year. Additionally, the Quandl dataset only covers US stocks. In this article we want to build simple strategies based on EU stocks. That is why we have to manually ingest data from another source. To do so, I use the yahoofinancialslibrary. In order to be loaded into zipline, the data must be in a CSV file and in a predefined format. For this article, I download two securities: stock prices of ABN AMRO (a Dutch bank) and the AEX (a stock market index composed of Dutch companies that trade on Euronext Amsterdam). We use the latter one as the benchmark.

First, we define a short function for downloading the data using yahoofinancialsand preparing the DataFrame in a way it can be ingested by zipline. After preparing the data, we save the data as a CSV file in a folder called daily (or another folder of your choice).

It is possible to pass multiple tickers to yahoofinancials and download them all at once, however, we chose this way for simplicity of the required manipulations.

We begin by downloading the ABN AMRO stock prices.


And follow with the AEX index.


Let’s inspect the currently loaded bundles:

!zipline bundles

We will now add a custom bundle called eu_stocks. To do so, we need to modify the extension.py file located in the zipline directory. We need to add the following:

In contrast to the data downloading function, we need to pass the exact range of dates of the downloaded data. In this example, we start with 2017–01–02, as this is the first day for which we have pricing data.

Lastly, we run the following command to ingest the bundle:

!zipline ingest --bundle eu_stocks

Buy And Hold Strategy

We start with the most basic strategy — Buy and Hold. The idea is that we buy a certain asset and do not do anything for the entire duration of the investment horizon. This simple strategy can also be considered a benchmark for more advanced ones — because there is no point in using a very complex strategy that generates less money (for example due to transaction costs) than buying and doing nothing.

In this example, we consider ABN AMRO’s stock and select the year 2017 as the duration of the backtest. We start with a capital of 250€. I selected this number as I know how much — more or less — we need to have for the initial purchase and I like to keep this number as small as possible because we are only buying 10 shares, so no need for a starting balance of a couple of thousands. Also, zipline by default works with US dollars, however, when all assets are in the same currency, there is no problem with using stocks and indices quoted in euros. Just as in BUX Zero, we assume no transaction costs (0€ per share, without a minimum cost per trade).

There are two approaches to using zipline — using the command line or Jupyter Notebook. To use the latter we have to write the algorithm within a Notebook cell and indicate that zipline is supposed to run it. This is done via the %%zipline IPython magic command. This magic takes the same arguments as the CLI mentioned above.

Also one important thing, all imports required for the algorithm to run (such as numpy, sklearn, etc.) must be specified in the algorithm cell, even if they were previously imported elsewhere.

Congrats, we have written our first backtest. So what actually happened?

Each zipline algorithm contains (at least) two functions we have to define:

  • initialize(context)
  • handle_data(context, data)

Before the algorithm starts, the initialize() function is called and a context variable is passed. context is a global variable in which we can store additional variables we need to access from one iteration of the algorithm to the next. This is also where we need to change the benchmark to AEX, as the default benchmark is SP500 traded on NYSE.

After the initialization of the algorithm, the handle_data() function is called once for each event. At every call, it passes the same context variable and an event frame called data. It contains the current trading bar with open, high, low, and close (OHLC) prices together with the volume.

We create an order by using order(asset, number_of_units), where we specify what to buy and how many shares/units. A positive number indicates buying that many shares, 0 means selling everything we have, and a negative number is used for short-selling. Another useful type of order is order_target, which orders as many shares as needed to achieve the desired number in the portfolio.

In our Buy and Hold strategy, we check if we have already placed an order. If not, we order a given amount of shares and then do nothing for the rest of the backtest.

Let’s analyze the performance of the strategy. First, we need to load the performance DataFrame from the pickle file.

# read the performance summary dataframe
buy_and_hold_results = pd.read_pickle('buy_and_hold.pkl')

And now we can plot some of the stored metrics:

From the first look, we see that the portfolio generated money over the investment horizon and was very much following the price of ABN AMRO (what makes sense as it is the only asset in the portfolio).

To view the transactions we need to transform the transactions column from the performance DataFrame.

pd.DataFrame.from_records([x[0] for x in buy_and_hold_results.transactions.values if x != []])

By inspecting the columns of the performance `DataFrame` we can see all the available metrics.


Some of the noteworthy ones:

  • starting/ending cash — inspecting the cash holding on a given day
  • starting/ending value — inspecting the assets; value on a given day
  • orders — used for inspecting orders; there are different events for creating an order when the trading strategy generates a signal, and a separate one when it is actually executed on the next trading day
  • pnl — daily profit and loss

Simple Moving Average Strategy

The second strategy we consider is based on the simple moving average (SMA). The ‘mechanics’ of the strategy can be summarized by the following:

  • when the price crosses the 20-day SMA upwards — buy x shares
  • when the price crosses the 20-day SMA downwards — sell the shares
  • we can only have a maximum of x shares at any given time
  • there is no short-selling in the strategy (though it can be easily implemented)

The remaining components of the backtest like the considered asset, investment horizon or the starting capital are the same as in the Buy and Hold example.

The code for this algorithm is a little bit more complex, but we cover all the new aspects of the code. For simplicity, I marked the points of reference in the code snippet above (sma_strategy.py) and will refer to them by number below.

  1. I show how to manually set the commission. In this case, I use the default value for comparison’s sake.
  2. The “warm-up period” — this is a trick used in order to make sure that the algorithm has enough days to calculate the moving average. If we are using multiple metrics with different window lengths, we should always take the longest one for the warm-up.
  3. We access the historical (and current) data-points by using data.history. In this example, we access the last 20 days. The data (in case of a single asset) is stored as a pandas.Series, indexed by time.
  4. The SMA is a very basic measure, so for calculation, I simply take the mean of the previously accessed data.
  5. I encapsulate the logic of the trading strategy in an if statement. To access the current and previous data-points I use price_history[-2] and price_history[-1], respectively. To see if there was a crossover, I compare the current and previous prices to the MA and determine which case I am dealing with (buy/sell signal). In the case where there is no signal, the algorithm does nothing.
  6. You can use the analyze(context, perf) statement to carry out extra analysis (like plotting) when the backtest is finished. The perf object is simply the performance DataFrame we also store in a pickle file. But when used withing the algorithm, we should refer to it as perf and there is no need for loading it.

As compared to the Buy and Hold strategy, you might have noticed the periods where the portfolio value is flat. That is because when we sell the asset (and before buying again), we only hold cash.

In our case, the Buy and Hold strategy outperformed the Simple Moving Average one. The ending worth of the portfolio (including cash) is 299.37€ for the B&H strategy, while it is 267.68€ in the case of the more complex one.


In this article, I have shown how to use the zipline framework to carry out the backtesting of trading strategies. Once you get familiar with the library, it is easy to test out different strategies. And from there, it is just as easy to start investing with BUX Zero!

In a future article, I would like to cover using more advanced trading strategies based on technical analysis.

You can find the code used for this article on my GitHub.



Eryk Lewinson
Inside BUX

Data Scientist, quantitative finance, gamer. My latest book - Python for Finance Cookbook 2nd ed: https://t.ly/WHHP