InVision Studio tip of the week: Device Frames

Justin Jones
Inside Design
Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2019

Hey everyone! This week’s tip of the week is short and sweet, yet super powerful.

As designers, we’re always thinking about how to take our work to new heights — and that’s exactly where Studio comes in. But the power of Studio also lies in the way you convey your ideas to your teammates, developers, stakeholders, and others. It provides you with a seamless digital language of design, helping you present yours ideas, get feedback, and facilitate discussions in ways that weren’t possible before.

Not everyone has an easy time visualizing your prototype inside of the device where it will inevitably live. More often than not, this creates a roadblock during presentations. To avoid this in the past, I used to spend hours photoshopping my designs into devices. But now I no longer have to do that!

Let me introduce you to the brand new Studio feature : Device Frames. With over 25 realistic devices to choose from, you can now see and share your Studio prototype exactly as it will appear on the user’s screen. Device Frames increase the true-to-life nature of your prototype and provide greater real-world context as you share and present your ideas to others.

Device Frames are now available in Studio. Take it for a spin! Download free here.



Justin Jones
Inside Design

Creative Director, Illustrator, Designer, Content Creator, Voice Actor, Husband & Father.