Studio Smashers Vol.3

Martha Bergmann
Inside Design
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2019

The InVision team’s top picks of Studio produced content created by the community

(From left to right) PS Store by DAVID HALLUIN | Music App Concept by Jaylee | InVision Studio Jam — Inner Animal by Bojan Mesar | Portfolio Website by Anita Gutiérrez | Planets App Animation by Ryan Sael

Welcome to Studio Smashers, where we share some of our favorite content from the community.

Use #InVisionStudio so we can see all of your beautiful designs and feature you here!

Music App Concept by Jaylee

How cool is this though!? I love the overall treatment style of the app, that couples with the transitions really makes this shine!

Portfolio Website by Anita Gutiérrez

Sometimes simple is better. Anita’s animation shows how a light touch on motion can add some delight without being overwhelming. As the menu expands the page titles cascade in with a nice ease. When exiting out of the menu, the page titles simply disappear rather than moving off the screen. The choice to treat the page titles differently on entering and leaving the screen adds a nice touch.

Planets App Animation by Ryan Sael

The quality of details in this prototype is top notch and outstanding! It was definitely an instant pick for me when I first saw this concept. All 3D rotations, blur transitions, object sticking and unique transition curves set this prototype apart from the rest of the competition. Truly amazing work!

InVision Studio Jam — Inner Animal by Bojan Mesar

I particularly liked the illustrations of the wolf and the owl and the seamless transition between both. The date picker and the rising and falling wave transition that changes the theme are also pretty slick.


To master a skill you gotta be consistent with your practice — set a goal, make a schedule, and stick to it. Just like @DavidHalluin with his weekly UI challenge.

This week he made a UI for the PS Store with @invisionapp Studio. So dope!

Thanks for sharing with us — can’t wait to see what you all keep creating!

— 💖 InVision Team

