Studio Smashers Vol. 6

Daniel Korpai
Inside Design
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2019

The InVision team’s top picks of Studio produced content created by the community

Welcome to Studio Smashers, where we share some of our favorite content from the community.

Use #InVisionStudio so we can see all of your beautiful designs and feature you here!

#2 Wildlife on a glimpse | National Geographic concept 🐒 by Sebastian Jungbluth

These transitions are really beautiful and show off the true power of Studio’s animation feature. Coupled with the great layout of the content, this overall feels really sleek and stylish. Nailed it!

IxD Challenge — Day 15 by Guillermo Becerra

Guillermo’s example of a loading animation shows how motion can help to communicate personality. The colorful blocks unfolding on the screen, along with the appearing plants, set the tone for the user as they enter enter a website.

Logo Motion Challenge Day 6 — Google Marketing Platform by Patrick Maulion

This is an amazing example of how animation can connect different logos/icons together seamlessly to create a coherent and consistent look and feel. Sometimes it’s easy to get lost animating the whole screen or page and overlook the small details like animating the logos. This is an excellent reminder to take the time and polish the details to have outstanding results.

InVision — Parallax Card Interaction — [Freebie] by Tasin

The tiny delay on the images as you swipe creates the dynamic parallax effect which is nicely implemented. Big fan of the changing background colors to match the theme of the main image. Great work!

30-day Logo Animation Challenge by Patrick Maulion

Patrick Maulion finished a 30-day challenge creating simple logo animations. “I used this to work on my animation skills and to push myself outside of my comfort zone. All animations were created via inVisionStudio,” he shared 👏🏽

Thanks for sharing with us — can’t wait to see what you all keep creating!

— 💖 InVision Team

