Six reasons to come say hi at Silicon Milkroundabout

Bernardo Raposo
Published in
5 min readNov 24, 2016

Two years may not seem like a lot of time in the scope of things, but given the right conditions it can make a world of difference.

Since I moved to London in the Fall of 2014, the tech community here has grown by leaps and bounds, and a lot of that helped by the community that has sprung up around Silicon Milkroundabout (SMR).

If you haven’t heard of SMR, it’s Europe’s biggest bi-annual tech jobs fair — and it just happens to be this weekend, March 19 & 20. We’ll be there both days, so come say hi to us (or me) at booth 65.

EDITED has had a long and beneficial relationship with SMR over the years. It actually started way back in 2011 at the very first edition (!) and not only has it introduced the company to some our earliest employees, it’s also where they met me.

In advance of the event, I asked some of our SMR hires to tell me why they ended up choosing EDITED after meeting us at SMR.

Looking good, people. Some of our hires from SMR.

Bernardo — Senior Designer / Developer (SMR #7)

Let’s begin with me. In May of 2014, I came to London from Portugal specifically for Silicon Milk Roundabout #7. What initially excited me about EDITED was that they were looking for a designer/developer, which is not very common. To me, it signaled that EDITED was (and still is) a company that really values design in every aspect of the business.

After just over two years here, I’m still sure that I honestly couldn’t have found a better company to start this new chapter of my life. Not only have I learned a lot professionally, but also met some of the most amazing and talented people I’ve ever worked with.

Sujay — Data Architect (SMR #3)

One less general reason that I’d give for choosing EDITED at SMR is the fact that unlike a lot of companies, the onus is on us to change things.

For example, I noticed that a database we were using was causing us woes and I wanted to move us to another one. Anywhere else there would be an endless chain of approval requests, and also plenty of reasons would be given as to why not to do the right thing now. At EDITED, the only questions were “How are you going to do it?” and “Now that you’ve decided, why not start?”.

Michaela — Operations Manager (SMR #5)

I was initially lured over the EDITED’s SMR stand because they were handing out free mulled wine. But beyond the wine (which was delicious) I was looking for a company where I could be part of an amazing team that was passionate about what they did.

From our first encounter at SMR, it was obvious how enthused everyone was about creating this amazing product and it was completely infectious.

Three years on and now I’m the person telling people at SMR how much I love coming to work to help grow the team and the company with some of the most wonderful people I’ve ever met.

Joe — Data Scientist (SMR #9)

I learned about EDITED while doing some prep for SMR. They popped out as a company I really wanted to meet. As a data scientist who had been working in oil and gas, the idea of combining machine learning with a subjective industry like retail sounded really interesting to me.

I wasn’t necessarily looking to move jobs when I went to SMR but everyone seemed super friendly and they promised me a free ice cream if I applied, so it was no brainer.

Accepting a job offer is always a big decision, but now that I’ve been here a year I know it was the right one (not that it took me that long to be sure). I’m working on novel challenges, have the freedom to explore my own ideas, and although it’s ridiculously cliché to say, I have fun (almost) every day thanks to a great work/life/play culture in the office.

John — Senior Software Engineer (SMR #11)

When I approached EDITED at SMR, I was struck by their immediate friendliness and was drawn into a long conversation about the exciting technologies they use and the difficult problems they solve on a daily basis.

Since joining four months ago I can safely say that my initial impression from that first conversation was completely right. Being able to work with such freedom as part of a very talented dev team has been both extremely humbling and rewarding.

Alejandro — Data Scientist (SMR #11)

Often in data science, companies that have lots of data are very conservative with it, whereas small companies want to do interesting things but have very little data.

EDITED is a really cool place to work with data because it both has lots of it and is enthusiastic and brave about experimenting with data and technology.

The EDITED booth at #SMR11

Of course, if you can’t make it to Silicon Milkroundabout this weekend, don’t worry! You can still work for us, just go here to get yourself on our radar.

PS: It wouldn’t hurt if your first impression was following this publication either, we have lots of great things to share in the future ;)



Bernardo Raposo

Problem solver, dreamer and passionate about the web. A digital creative working in the intersection of code and design @ EDITED