Why are we launching this publication? Let me tell you.

Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2016

If you’ve never seen a data scientist and a former buyer for a major fashion retailer sitting on a couch discussing how to apply convolutional neural networks to a sample set of sports bras, you probably don’t sit at my desk.

From where I sit, that some version of that scenario plays out pretty much every day. Just an typical afternoon all of us who work at EDITED.

EDITED was founded to create that interaction. It’s a place where retail experts come together with world-class developers and data scientists to build an analytics software that fundamentally changes how one of the world’s largest industries does business. (I’ll spare you the elevator pitch, we’re at edited.com if you want to know.)

Artist’s rendering of collaboration at EDITED.

That’s not just a mission statement. It’s the first time it’s ever been attempted. We’ve only got one option available to us: innovate. And within these walls everything but our kettle is powered innovation — and collaboration between experts from two very different worlds.

There’s just no other way to do it; you can’t meaningfully address the needs of retail with data science if you don’t know the first thing about retail, or data science. It’s an incredibly exciting proposition but it means we’re face-to-face with challenges no one in tech or in retail has ever encountered before, almost every day.

To get the job done it takes constant research, invention, experimentation and patience. Also coffee, and often beer.

That dynamic makes EDITED a pretty interesting place to work. It also makes it a place where you learn a lot.

So we decided it’d be good to share some of the things we’ve learned with the world. Welcome to Inside EDITED.

View from my desk.

Every month we’re going to turn the keyboard over to different member of the EDITED team, be it in London, New York, San Francisco, São Paulo or elsewhere, and give them a chance to share the challenges, learnings and experiences that have mattered most to them. Some will lean towards data, some towards retail, some toward neither — but the goal is to make them all universal.

If you’ve ever wanted to know what’s like to be at the forefront of a changing industry look no further than right here. Or even better, get a sense of what we’re all about and then join us.

Seriously, we’re hiring.

Anyways, enough from me. We’re always on Twitter@EDITED_HQ if you want to get in touch.


