The Key to Gen Z Marketing

Kate Billman
Inside Elements
Published in
5 min readMay 25, 2021

It was just over five years ago that I sat down to write an article analyzing how millennials had changed the face of marketing. They were the first generation of instant gratification, accustomed to a digital world that waited for nothing. But more than that, millennials craved authenticity, humanness and a true connection from brands.

Now, I’m experiencing a bit of déjà vu as I sit down to write about how Generation Z is changing the face of marketing today. And just like millennials, who continue to demand more realness and authenticity from brands, Gen Z expects nothing less.

Gen Zers have spent their entire lives surrounded by technology, its endless pipeline of information from anywhere in the world and the utterly inescapable messaging from thousands of companies that comes along with it each day. They are constantly targeted with more advanced and more intrusive advertising, wading through oceans of companies trying to sell them something at every glance toward their phone.

Unsurprisingly, this constant flood of information and relentless advertising has cultivated in Gen Z a new ability to filter everything. And being raised in the age of “Instagram vs. reality” has made them more attuned to inauthentic communication than any generation before them.

With Gen Z accounting for nearly 40% of the consumer population in 2020, the change in consumer behavior calls for a shift in marketing strategy and execution as well. And not just in B2C marketing; B2B marketing also needs to adapt as Gen Z is now the newest wave of professionals joining the workforce.

So how does your brand make it through the Gen Z filter and tap into their buying potential?

Embrace Human Connection

Studies reveal that Gen Z is the loneliest generation, so it’s no surprise that there is a huge need for authentic human connection among them. This explains why they put more stock in the recommendations of people they know and communities they engage with than getting lured by expensive ads with fancy graphics and catchy taglines.

They want to feel like a valued partner in the conversation with your brand, not the recipient of a jargon-filled ad delivered by a computer algorithm reducing them to a promising prospect.

Simple, they want you to talk to them like humans because they are humans.

Consider how your brand impacts their daily lives and how you can provide delight and value through your products, services and messaging. Then, embody that in every aspect of your company, from your thank you emailers to your Twitter feed.

Double Down on Purpose & Impact

It’s time to do better. To really do better.

For the lack of a better word, and regardless of how you feel about it, Gen Z is “woke.” They are passionate about a variety of societal issues, from social injustice to climate change, that they perceive as directly impacting their future. And they’re putting their foot down, demanding that companies do better. For real this time.

And these emotions drive their buying behavior, as well. Over 50% even said that knowing a brand is socially conscious influences their buying decisions. Gen Z wants the brands they engage with to have a purpose they can get behind — one that they know is a promise well-kept.

This might mean different things for different companies, and might be difficult to pinpoint, particularly for organizations in more niche industries. After all, if you’re a SaaS provider, how much impact do you really have? But every company, no matter its size or field, does have an impact; you just need to take a deeper look at your company and how its mission relates to the world at large.

Elements Global Services, for example, provides technologies and solutions that power global employment and compliance. When we think about what our purpose is, it’s to simplify global expansion so that everyone has the opportunity to grow their business, regardless of their size, where they live, or the extent of their international labor law knowledge. Whether you’re a young company of 60 or a mature company of 6,000, Elements can make global expansion attainable. It’s purpose-built on inclusivity, equal access and connecting people all around the world. The same is lived and breathed in every aspect of our work — from our culture to our service delivery.

Bolster Trust & Authenticity

Gen Z won’t be fooled by the ‘all talk, no action’ gimmicks of the past. They want to know that you, as a company, are who you say you are and that they can trust you to follow through with your promises — whether that’s a promise of high-quality products or a promise to give back to your community.

Now is the time to be honest, authentic and transparent. Be clear about what you sell, why you sell it and how your company impacts your consumers and the world around you.

The Key Takeaway

Gen Z is rejecting traditional marketing tactics in favor of a more genuine, human-centric approach. If businesses want to tap into their buying potential, they need to genuinely identify with their purpose and make them feel heard and valued.

That having been said, Gen Z is a diverse group of nearly 2 billion unique individuals, and they should be treated as such. Your first step when planning any marketing strategy should always be to do your research. Open a dialogue with your current and prospective consumer bases to get to the root of what your ideal consumers want and need from a company. Interview your current customers or set up a survey or focus group to learn more about previously-untapped audiences. Then, let that guide your strategy moving forward so you know that your marketing activities are truly tailored to your consumers.



Kate Billman
Inside Elements

Kate is a marketing professional with a passion for marketing strategy and brand alignment. She is currently a Marketing Manager at Elements Global Services.