Floown is going to RISE

Inside Floown
Published in
3 min readJul 21, 2015


From Dutch Soil to Hong Kong Heights

The Netherlands is an industrious little country. Considering its relatively small population and size, it has produced many incredible products and companies. So it´s fair to say that the Dutch are entrepreneurial in spirit. Something Cambridge Innovation Center CEO Tim Rowe confirms: “The Dutch startup climate is seen as the most entrepreneurial in Europe”. Not surprisingly Europe’s first CIC outlet will be opened very soon in Rotterdam (Holland´s second city in terms of size).

Recently TechCrunch ran an article on The Netherlands growing startup scene, naming software, space, smart energy, financial tech, digital health, sharing technology and 3D printing as areas of specialization. With the Dutch government also making commitments to tech entrepreneurship and the active lobbying work of Neelie Kroes (aka the “Internet-Tsar” of Europe), a momentum is slowly starting to build up for The Netherlands as startup nation.

Synchronizing Availability

Floown has sprung, like Booking.com, TomTom, TravelBird, WeTransfer, Blendle, and many others from The Netherlands fertile soil. The fundament of our startup is deeply rooted in our teams ambition, education, and open-mindedness. Our outlook has always been very international. As inhabitants of a small country we have no choice. The Dutch need to be creative to overcome constrictions, ambitious to grow, patient to live so closely with each other and open to reach new destinations.

With Floown we are embodying all those things. And we haven't made it easy for ourselves. We are taking on something very important. We're taking on time.

A sneak peak of what Floown will look like.

Floown is a platform for synchronizing availability. We believe that time is your most valuable possession. You can only spend it once and never earn it back. Therefore we have made it our mission to help you remove inefficiencies from your daily grind. Our platform synchronizes availability; between clients and professionals and between employers and employees. It is the easiest way to be more productive and monetize your time within your own created network. With Floown communicating and synchronizing availability is easy, effective and real-time.

Currently our development team is working very hard to bring our featured packed platform to completion. But that doesn’t mean we’re not already going out there to spread the gospel. In fact, we're ready to climb the skyscrapers of Asia's financial capital.

Ready to RISE

Our ambitions are literally sky high. In true Dutch fashion we are very much outward orientated and bold in our moves. Therefore it’s really no wonder we’ll be pitching our company — as the only one representing the Netherlands — against 42 other very cool startups during Web Summits RISE conference in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong, where RISE will take place for the very first time.

We’ll also be down on the conference floor to mingle among the many interesting attendees. So come see us if you´re there, we are located at stand number E145 in the Enterprise Area on Day 1, Friday July 31st. Check out the map over here. We´ll be more than happy to share our story and hear about yours.

Interested in Floown? Sign up now to be among the first to hear of our release. Visit our website for more on information on Floown. And follow our Twitter-account to get the latest and greatest from our HQ.



Inside Floown

With Floown You Always Know Who's Available for Work. The Social Productivity Platform: www.floown.com