Job Shadowing at mytaxi: When Operations Meets Product

Hannah Fuhrmann
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2019

At mytaxi, we offer the chance to follow colleagues around for a day. This February Matteo, Operations Executive from Italy learned the Ins and Outs of mytaxi by following Johannes Mewes, co-founder, and CPO of mytaxi around. Have a read how Matteo experienced the day:

“I believe that the job shadowing programme is the best way to learn new ways of thinking. Ever since I was at university, I’ve always asked managers to follow them for a day, in order to understand how my perception of their job was different compared to reality. It has always been a good method to learn not only new management skills but also communication skills focused on teamwork.

Johannes and Matteo enjoying the view from our mytaxi office balcony

Ever since I joined the Italian mytaxi team I always wanted to understand the way we manage our core product, from scratch to the development and implementation. I finally got the opportunity to shadow Johannes Mewes for a day, co-founder and CPO of mytaxi and it was an awesome day.

I realized that every kind of feature, from the smallest to the biggest one, needs time and a lot of effort. Before having the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) there was a huge amount of work to do behind. In fact, a product idea always needs to match the cost/benefit analysis; out of all the ideas, it’s important to decide which are priorities and which not. It’s not an easy job, I thought we were doing something not in the best way and we were slow in developing everything. I realized that it wasn’t the case. There are features that for some markets seem to be fundamental but in a company that is active in more than 100 cities in Europe, it’s really necessary to focus on what is really important for passengers and drivers.

What impressed me the most during this awesome day in windy Hamburg was the SMT (Senior Management Team) session. I’ve been positively impacted by the way the management team discussed mytaxi today and its future in a friendly and, at the same time, professional environment. I really enjoyed looking at how decisions were carried out and what were the reasons behind not prioritized topics.

Johannes’ job is really important and needs a lot of knowledge to be carried out correctly; doing his job would mean making a strong impact in the future of the mobility sector. It would be awesome one day to have the chance to take on his job to change even more the future of mobility. Now I still have much to learn and this job shadowing was just another small step to build my own future.”

You want to join us and experience job shadowing yourself? Have a look at our open positions!

