Meet the Team: Luiz

Hannah Fuhrmann
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2019

Today we are taking the chance to get to know one of our Berlin colleagues! Luiz Santana, Mobile Chapter Lead in the Berlin tech hub of mytaxi, has been working with Android development for over 7 years.

Luis, Android Chapter Lead in Berlin

Why did you choose to join FREE NOW?

A couple of reasons on this topic. I first joined FREE NOW due to the opportunity of working with a really nice app, which I use in my daily life. That really makes the difference to me, be able to influence and work on an app that I already love to use.
Second is the fact of being able to work in the future of mobility. From micro mobility (as scooters) to Autonomous Driving cars (my current project).
And last but not least, while in my interview process, I really had the feeling of having the opportunity of growth.

What makes it special to work at FREE NOW from the Android perspective?

We are always up to date in technologies. The team is often experimenting and discussing what is coming up and how it could help our app to evolve.

And talking about evolving, FREE NOW is not a brand new app, but even though it was able to grow and age really well. In terms of architecture and in keep updated to good practices in the marketing. That’s mainly due to the smart colleagues we have, the amazing code reviews the team does, sync meetings within the chapters and all the refactoring roadmap we discuss together.

What would you do differently if you could start your Android career again?

Be active in the community! While we join meetups, write articles, attend conferences, we are meeting new people and sharing the knowledge, which is good for everyone!

What would you recommend any young Android Developer right now?

Always be curious. The community is always active bringing new challenges and new amazing tools to make our life easier. That makes your daily work better and the experience even more exciting.

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You want to check out what Luiz is talking about have a look at our open positions.

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