10 Reasons Why Your Company Needs a Blog

Joy Oghanyan
6 min readFeb 6, 2020


Did you know that blogging can have a direct impact on your company perception and in effect, boost your revenue?

When it comes to content marketing, blogs are used by companies to tell stories about their team, business process, attention to detail, etc.

By projecting attributes that focus on the customer, the business earns goodwill and improved customer relations.

Initially considered a sphere for individual dominance, businesses are now using blogs to inform and educate their audience.

Generally, content marketing will be worth an estimated $400 billion by 2021; this is a lot of value for business owners and content creators.

At this time, companies continue to invest in blogs on their website and on third party sites like Medium. In fact, studies have shown that companies who blog receive 97% more links to their website.

You see, there is a lot that a corporate/business blog can do not just for your website ranking but also for projecting your brand value, culture and in the long-run influence your brand equity by helping you take charge of your brand story.

Further in this blog, I discussed 10 reasons why your company needs a blog. From customer education to improvement of your website traffic and SEO.

Without further ado, let’s explore some of the many benefits of having a corporate blog.

  1. To Educate your customers more on your products and service

A website alone doesn’t always offer enough information, personality or authority to truly stand out from the crowd. That’s when your blog comes in

Blogs allow you to give an in-depth explanation about what your products and services can offer. Think of it this way, you figure out a problem an ideal customer faces and provide a solution. The more you produce content like this, the more you’ll be seen as an authority in the industry.

2. To Boost Your Website Traffic

Blogging can take on certain elements of influencer marketing if a business outfit is able to host the article of a leading voice in a niche.

This arrangement is called guest blogging, and online businesses can achieve increased visibility using this approach. As already stated in the introduction; blogging allows the organization to project their personality, information and experience that distinguishes them from competitors and even compete against larger companies.

3. A Blog Also Improves Your SEO

Blogs provide the perfect platform to strengthen your SEO strategy. As google penalizes sites for keyword stuffing, so there are limited keywords you can use on your website pages. How-ever your blog offers unlimited opportunities to create a keyword-rich page that is highly informative to your customers or clients, engages them and are really helpful to them which is a key purpose for Google.

The more blog content you create, the more opportunities you will have to show up in search engines and drive organic traffic to your website.

4. Blogs Help Build Your Email Database

Email marketing is still and forever will be a solid form of marketing strategy. It is low-cost and gives a good ROI. But getting people to sign up to your newsletter can be really hard sometimes, this is where your blog comes in.

If your readers find your blog content (post) informative, relevant and engaging there is a high chance they will trust your email newsletters as well. It becomes easy to convince them to sign up.

5. Your Blog Helps Provide Valuable Customer Feedback

Most times customer feedback only comes in the form of reviews and survey but this cannot be done on your website which leaves no room for questions, comment on the content or even start a conversation. A blog, on the other hand, creates a two-way conversation between with your customers, leads and industry peers.

With your company blog, customers can share their thoughts in the comment section giving you an avenue to interact with them, sometimes on a personal level. Having an in-depth conversation with them will definitely spike up their trust level for your brand.

6. Blogging is essential for social media exposure

Blogging and social media were once different. Blogging was where you draft your long-form serious content while social media was less serious. Now the story is different, social media now serves as a medium to promote your blog post.

Be sure that every-time you write a blog post you are creating content for your social media channels which helps expose your company to a wider range of audience. This does not only provide a solid marketing foundation for your business but it is also a great way to share ideas, build a community of like minds and generate new ideas.

7. It helps improve internal linking

Internal links are links (or hyperlinks) in a domain that points to other links within the same domain e.g. blog posts on a company website that point to the services page and other blog posts on the company website.

They are useful for several reasons, including — they allow users to navigate a website, they help establish information hierarchy for any given website, and they spread page authority and ranking power throughout the website.

Blogging is the most effective way of internal linking, and the more content you have on your website, the more internal links can be created.

8. Blogging offers insight into your audience

Blog analytics (e.g. google analytics) can give you insight on what your audience re interested in. feedbacks on the blog by readers and comments will help you learn about what your audience finds interesting.

The more you know about your target audience the better you can serve them and appeal to them.

9. Update your customers on your products and services

Having a blog post keeps both old and new customers updated on the latest happenings in your industry. Use your blog to build a relationship with your customers and keep them interested in your brand. This would help you stay top of the mind with your customers in the future.

10. Gives Your Company a voice

Having a blog gives you more flexibility to tell your story and convey your company’s personality and goals. As a CEO you can also give your employees to write is a great way to give individual employees a voice as well, giving their different perspective will help keep the blog well-stocked with fresh content.

