Joy Oghanyan
4 min readJan 29, 2020

4 Reasons your Facebook Stats Are Decreasing and How to Fix It

Beyond likes, if you have been keeping close tabs on your Facebook Analytics, you may have noticed a decline in the statistics over the last few months. And this decline in stats is really crushing your spirit, you are not alone This is because Facebook just changed the way it calculates page impressions.

However, before I go on talking about all of these technical terms, here’s what you should know about basic analytics.

Likes- like is an action that can be made by a Social Media user (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin etc). instead of writing a comment or sharing a post, a user can click the Like button as a quick way to show approval

Comments- A comment is a response that is often provided as an answer or reaction to a blog post or message on a social network.

Shares- This is the number of times your followers share your content with people on their timeline.

Impressions- An impression refers to the number of times your content is displayed, no matter if it was clicked or not.

Reach- This is the number of unique people who see your content.

According to Facebook, this new update is designed to “Make it easy for businesses to make comparisons across paid and organic channels.” Normally Facebook counts an ad impression by the number of times an instance of an ad is on screen and someone scrolls down and then scrolls back up to the same ad, which counts as 1 impression. If an ad is on screen for someone 2 different times in a day, that counts as 2 impressions.”

So here is the good side, your organic Facebook statistics should now be a more accurate benchmark to compare your ad performance against. This means businesses can now make an accurate comparison between organic impressions and paid impressions. Isn’t that wonderful?

This update shows that a decline in impressions isn’t necessarily a decline in the page’s performance.

But most of us love seeing great numbers, here is how you can boost your Facebook stats

  1. Create sharable content

Creating relevant, share-worthy content is one of the best ways to reach a new audience. While trying to reach a new audience you might want to consider what will motivate your audience to hit the like, share or comment while your post is still about your business.

You can change your content plan by mixing up your post formats. Adding video content, infographic, hacks, how-tos etc

A call-to-action can be added to encourage as many engagements on your post. Do not forget this — the more interesting and diverse your content the higher the chance your followers will share it, which will increase your organic reach

2. Get creative with Facebook stories

Stories have captured people’s imaginations and attention. Stories are great ways to visually share real moments and they are just right at the top of a user’s homepage so your story is the first thing they see when they open the app.

You can get creative using the in-built engagement tools, such as stickers and the poll stickers.

3. Calibrate your publishing time

Getting your publishing time right is essential to improving your organic Facebook reach.
That’s because posting when your audiences are online increases the visibility and organic reach of your content. One way to figure out the optimal posting time is by looking at the data performance of previous posts and picking out the pattern of increased interactions.

You can also skip the manual analysis and discover your best publishing times in a click with tools like Socialbakers PrimeTime.

4. Be consistent

When it comes to posting on social media, you don’t want to bombard your audience with posts. You just want to show that the page is active and worth engaging with, which can encourage them to like, comment and even get new followers.

More activity on your page equals an increase in your stats.

It’s been amazing seeing all the upgrades and changes by Facebook and we are likely to see more come 2020. even on ads run Facebook looks to limits an ad run in 2020.

What would you start doing differently about your content and how do you think it would affect your overall results?