6 Tips to Help Brands Leverage Social Media During COVID-19

Joy Oghanyan
5 min readJun 8, 2020


In the face of Covid-19, social media has been a great way tool for individuals and communities to stay connected even while physically separated. For businesses, this means leveraging social media to support employees and customers like never before.

The type of messages you pass across to your audience in times like this is important and if done right, can go a long way to show that you care about them and they are not just there for the sake of profit-making.

COVID-19 has changed the way the world works, and, in return, brands need to know how to leverage social media as a tool to reach people who now spend more time on these channels.

Social media users are now spending an average of 2 hours and 24 minutes per day multi networking across an average of 8 social networks and messaging apps

What do your customers think of your brand when they come across your content on social media platforms this period. Are just all about your business or you are showing your concerns through your social media posts.

Here are 6 social media tips for your business (Post Ideas)

1. Get creative with your content

Yes, we all had big plans for 2020, talked about how we are going to take our content game to the next level, but then no one, absolutely no one saw the coronavirus coming which created a new way of living for people.

Your customers are online now more than ever, it’s time to switch things up and get creative with what you are sharing on social media. Contents can’t be created in the office. Everything is being produced in-house — literally.

Now is the time to test out anything and everything you’ve ever wanted to try. Filters, GIFs, augmented reality, virtual reality and anything else you can think of it. Educate and share valuable information in your industry, people are also looking for great resources and activities to stay productive and positive.

2. Get Interactive With your Audience

Right now, everyone is craving some kind of connection. It is advisable to give the audience what they want by interacting with them!

Try out a TikTok brand challenge, go Live on Instagram, Facebook or YouTube. Now’s the time to test out something new.

A very important part of being interactive with your audience is engaging with them. Respond to their comments on your post, like their comments (if you can’t reply to their comments). You can also go a step further by giving shoutouts to your top fans, leave a nice comment on their page.

3. Be a force for good

People want to see that you care about more than just turning a profit.

During this crisis, we saw both small and big brands give back to their customers.

In times like this one, you don’t want to abandon your audience and you also don’t want to appear to be insensitive. While you should be active on social media, you certainly shouldn’t be putting your products or services directly out there and trying to drive sales. Rather, use your social media channel to show that you care about them 100%.

It is best to put your audience first. Use your social platforms to address their needs and concerns. While many brands have taken to social media to share the good they are doing on a large scale (making donations, offering services free of charge, Webinars, Free Resources), simply sharing messages of support is a good start.

Post by Futuresoftng on IG

4. Communicate the Actions You are Currently Taking

So many businesses have had to shut down completely or move to work remotely. Businesses owners have taken precautionary measures to protect their staffs against the Covid-19 virus, it is best you let your customers/audience know the steps and actions you are taking and how they can do business with you.

Your social media page now serves as a means off sharing new updates with your clients and audience, and because the majority of your followers now spend more time online the message gets to them faster.

5. Behind the Scenes

The way businesses are operating now have changed completely. It is okay to give your customers a little bit behind the scenes on how you are operating right now, you can share a screenshot of your virtual meetings with your team members, are your staffs taking online training you can share that also. The idea is just to give a glimpse of how your day to day looks like now. Almost everyone is facing a similar situation it is relatable and it’s a great way to connect with your audience.

6. Appreciate Essential Workers

Make sure you acknowledge the people that are working 24/7 to keep all of safe right now. It is okay to recognize them and recognize the work they are doing.

Post by Futuresoftng

Because I care about you and your business I am Dropping some Pro tips for you, there is so much negativity on social media, sharing quotes and positive thoughts can be uplifting to your audience. You can also engage them by asking questions on what they are doing to stay safe and the steps they would take when everything becomes normal again.

These are just steps you can take to stay relevant and connect with your audience. So that when this is all over you have an audience of raving fans ready to do business with you.

Hope you found this helpful please leave your thoughts in the comment section and don’t forget to like and share.

