Firioluwa Hart
4 min readAug 23, 2018


It’s amazing how people don’t take advantage of building the right social media presence for themselves. They never really know what it could generate for them many years from now!

Have you ever wondered to you and yours asking these questions?

What is a social media presence?
How do I build my social media presence?
Why should I even bother building a social media presence?
What are the pros and cons of building the right social media presence?
How's it of benefit to me?

Are you looking at building a brand in the nearest future? What steps are you taking now to ensure your brand is global without getting to pay for Seo?

Yes you can actually get to build your presence on social for free without getting to pay a dime! A lot of the time people think of it as a big deal while in the real sense it's actually a great deal! Yea it's more than just a "Big deal"

SOCIAL MEDIA presence is simply put "being active on the social media channel" Social media is such a big tool for marketers which they can use for product marketing & branding.

Now ask yourself sternly: How do I build my social media presence (for those that don't know how)

Here are 6 keys to building a social media presence

1. Get To Know Yourself First

Your personal brand should be a true representation of who you are — otherwise, you won't be authentic and it will show through to your audience. So take a little time to get to know yourself first. If it feels difficult to be natural, start by creating a persona that reflects who you are and map your branding to that. Sometimes being yourself takes a little more effort, but it's well worth it.

2. Focus On Improving Your Writing Skills.

In today's world, building a personal brand has a lot to do with your online presence, and that means getting good at writing. If you're already a good writer, then you're way ahead of the game. If you're not that comfortable with writing, practice and learn. This enables people to understand you better and know what you're all about.

3. Engage wisely

Think Twice Before Commenting

As much as a lot of people like to be on the passive side on social media without being active, be sure to always be on the engaging part as well but remember to do it wisely. You know what they say....."internet never forgets " Don’t get carried away in the comment section it might just be used against you sooner or later! Be sure to think twice before commenting on anything. Remember your reputation is your most valuable possession. Before you comment on anything, Ask yourself, is my comment thoughtful, hurtful, intelligent, necessary and kind?? If not, think twice — because media can also backfire.

4.Monitor Your Online Reputation

Think of yourself as a brand, then ask yourself what you want your audience to feel when they think of you? What are your strengths, and how do you want to stand out? Google yourself and see what comes up. Is it consistent with your desired reputation? If other people are coming up ahead of you on search results, consider using a middle initial or using rewriting your name, Asin, first name and last name or vice versa as the case maybe just so it's going to be easy for people to find you.

5. Tie Your Personal Brand To Your Passion

Tie your personal brand to your passion. It should be for something that people want and need and that also has great meaning for you. Share this passion in blogs, on social media and in emails, and eventually, your brand will be synonymous with your passion. Then when people see, think or read about your passion, your personal brand will be the first thing that comes to mind if you are looking to own a brand someday or if you already have one.

6. Don't Be Like Everyone Else. Seriously, Dare to be different!

Marketing is full of "thought leaders," "keynote speakers" and "brand evangelists." And more than 90% of these "experts" all say the same thing. So, if you want to not just build a personal brand, but breakthrough the clutter, you have to be different. Stake out a genuine position on a business challenge or consumer need that is unchartered. Share your viewpoint, add value and repeat. Again and again.

Consistency is key in building your social media presence! Be consistent. Be consistent with your post, good contents and your engagements with your friends, fans and followers because someday that personal profile could become a multinational brand and it all starts with you! Get STARTed now fam❤