Joy Oghanyan
5 min readMar 2, 2020


Today, a lot of people mistake Content Marketing for less than half of what it really is, it’s easy for anyone to think about blogs articles and maybe social media captions. But it’s so much more than that. Content marketing goes above the written word and beyond it. Content marketing is an essential marketing activity that if done right, helps retain customers, acquire new ones and helps companies to build a strong top of mind awareness. No matter how good you are as a business, if you are not creating content, then you may lose your customers. By creating content, you put it in the mind of your audience that you exist, they exist, and you have the right tools to cater to their desires.

However, in this era where the presence and life-span of your content are almost certainly short-lived, creation of content is never enough for your business, you have to make sure the content you have created reaches a larger audience. Studies have shown that investing in content marketing will reduce your expenses while simultaneously generating multiple numbers of reach and engagements that you would’ve gotten with traditional ads.

Content marketing is simply a long-term strategy that focuses on building a strong relationship with your target audience by giving them high-quality content that is very relevant to them on a consistent basis. In producing high-quality content and creating a relationship with the audience some companies are breaking out of the norm and rising to the top by doing content marketing right.

When it comes to doing content marketing Coca-cola is one of my favourites, the way they tell their stories and make it relatable definitely makes their audience feel like a part of the brand. which should be one of the sole purposes of your company.

Today, more than ever before, your audience wants to feel like you care about them. The world is louder and noisier than ever before, and attention is our most valuable resource.

Keep that in mind as we take a look at five reasons why your company should invest in content marketing.


Content Marketing is a focal part of keeping your customers and reaching out to new ones. A reliable brand generates interest with great content. If consumers find your content relatable, entertaining, and helpful, they engage with it. This enables you to build a bond with your audience quickly. When people get used to seeing your content every week or so, they begin to think of your business as a reliable source. When the time comes that they are in need of services or a product such as yours, they will recall your useful and memorable content and they would also refer your brand to others.


Content marketing generates 3 times as many leads as traditional marketing and it costs less which means your brand will be able to save more while getting more results. Also, content marketing helps your brand to not only generate leads but generate efficient leads. Content marketing helps you efficiently guide your target audience through the sales funnel. Since good content can help increase traffic to your brand or company website, thus increase more brand awareness and the chance of connecting with prospect buyers, content marketing will help you effectively reach out and convert your audiences to buyers all through the stages of awareness, consideration, and decision.

3. Brand Credibility

According to research, 82% of people said they have positive feelings about a company that provides them with custom content. 80% say they appreciate companies that allow them to learn more about products, services and the industry through content. Content marketing leads to happier customers. You can also ask for reviews in a strategic way, get more positive reviews. Also, because people feel connected to your brand, they feel they have an invested interest.

If a brand does them wrong it reflects not just on you, they feel it reflects on their own judgement. Because of this, they will seek to understand when something doesn’t go right. Someone who isn’t connected to you might assume you’re just incompetent. But because you’ve engaged them rather than hard-selling them, they’re likely to approach you privately when they have an issue rather than voicing their opinion on social media. You have the opportunity to make it right and avoid a negative review.

4. Puts you in charge of your brand story

Content Marketing allows you to be in charge of how your brand is portrayed. Because technology is both cheap and easy to use, even small companies can deliver great content solutions to a targeted customer base and by becoming the publisher of your content yourself, your business can gather a huge amount of data relating to current and future customers easily and inexpensively. Consequently, your reliance on external sources is no longer in existence. Also, this will help your brand be the expert of its own field therefore, your brand will be known to possess the most trusted content resource that will attract and retain customers and prospects.


One of the focal goals of your brand and business is to make a profit by increasing sales and since content marketing helps you reach out to your audience, customers, and consumers, your business will definitely experience growth.

Content marketing will grow your brand and this will ultimately increase the number of sales. While the content marketing journey to sales is not a straight line from point A to point B, it opens the door and makes it easier for your consumers, and audience to connect with your brand and the services you offer. Consequently, content marketing brings about profitable reaction and action from your audience and consumers which results in profit for your brand.

