Social Media Marketing for Beginners.

Dare Durojaiye
2 min readAug 31, 2018


Social media is really important in the business process of the 21st century especially due to the explosive growth of platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter over the years. Lots of businesses underestimated the power of social media in today’s world. Facebook currently has 2. 3 billion monthly active users and Instagram records over 1 million active users daily. Tapping into the power of social media can make a tremendous difference in your business.

The benefits of advertising your business on social media are limitless but before you get started, here are a few things you need to consider before going ahead with this decision.

Let us begin by defining your advertising goals. Firstly you need to determine what your advertising goals are if they are selling, newsletter signups or products awareness or popularity. Defining your goals will help narrow down the best platform(s) for your business be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube. You can do this by taking a small piece of paper and writing down where you want to be a few months and how you can achieve that using social media.

Secondly, defining your audience is important. When making this decision you want to factor some of this into your decision-making process:

1. Are your products/services visually appealing
2. The cost of your product/services.
3. What target demography( age, location, gender etc.) does your product or service appeal to?
4. What social media platforms do your customers use
5. What industries do they work in

This may be the most crucial question you need to answer. Without answering this questions you will likely not achieve your social media marketing goal.

Lastly, you have to define your advertising budget. If you are running your advertising on a small budget you need to be strategic about how you use your advertising money. You wouldn’t want to throw it all into a product ad that runs at 2 a.m. Know exactly how much you are willing to spend on advertising first so you can make wise decisions in the creation, placement and medium for your business.

If this article is unclear to you feel free to contact me via email or leave a comment below this article, I am more happy to help.

