7 Tips for Retail Brands to Increase Customer Conversion on Social Media.

Chinonye Natasha Ibekwe
Inside Futuresoft
Published in
3 min readAug 6, 2018

The world today is a global village where communication is at its peak. With approximately 1 billion active Instagram users, 2.23 billion Facebook users, 335 million Twitter users and over 1.5million active YouTubers, brands can use their social media channels to increase awareness and push customer conversion.

Retail brands globally and locally are flocking to social media to increase their reach & visibility, as well as keep their audience engaged.

Beyond engagement customer conversion and actual sales are key for any retail brand. Here are 7 tips for retail brands to increase their conversion rates and retain customers, while building an engaged on-line audience.

Have a great profile page

First impressions count and online your social media profile pages are the key landing pages for your brand. It’s important to include a short description of what you do and products you sell on your profile page. You must include your website URL, phone number and store locations as well to drive traffic to your key sales channels. The look and feel of your grid is also key in attracting your target audience.

Curate and create amazing content

Amazing content includes, good pictures, videos and fun and engaging captions. There are two key elements to creating amazing content.

  • Content: Your target audience will determine your messaging. It is key to ensure that you carefully creaft your content calendar. Take out the time to carefully select images and videos that are captivating enough to get your audience interested in your brand and strategically position yourself as the leading brand in your niche.
  • Reach: Use brand / product / industry specific hash tags that have good reach and give your posts maximum visibility. Social media ads and sponsored posts are great for additional reach.

Create buzzworthy campaigns

Creating a buzzworthy campaigns around your products and services is one of the most effective ways to get the attention of your customer and increase conversion rates. Campaigns need to be strategic and planned over a period of time to ensure success.

Sponsored ads

Sponsored ads help increase your reach and the level of brand awareness. You should incorporate a set amount per month into your social media budget.


Social media is a two way street. You need to communication with your audience. Respond to comments and DMs promptly and ensure you maintain a consistent tone.

Quick response time

Delayed and poor communication impacts sales and brand image negatively. So you don’t lose a willing and ready customer, it is key to have quick response times to comments and inquiries.

Make sure you never run out of stock

Looking good online is one thing, but your back-office needs to be tight. Ensure you have products you advertis online in stock and ensure that delivery / order processes are quick and seamless. Not being able to meet your consumers needs leads to losing their trust and negative reviews.

So there you are — implementing these 7 tips will give you quick wins and icrease your conversion rate quickly.



Chinonye Natasha Ibekwe
Inside Futuresoft

I am a copywriter. A lover of art, music, philosophy, and adventure.