Using Chatbots for Customer Support and Lead Generation

John, Orakwe John
Inside Futuresoft
Published in
3 min readOct 2, 2019

In the first part of my last article, I unveiled the power of simple chatbots, and how smart Nigerian businesses can use chatbots to instantly convert leads and support customers on Facebook.

Rise of the bots…

Now I am fulfilling my promise to share more information on how chatbots can completely transform the customer experience on your website.

Before we dive in, I’ll share a quick story about how a Chatbot literally helped one of my friends — Haida — convert from being an aspiring student to an MBA student at Hult International Business School in Dubai.

Haida’s chatbot admission storey is summarized below:

  1. So Haida was on the lookout for a great school where she could get a top 100 MBA Programme, and she’d asked me to help out.
  2. I stumbled on the Hult International Business School website, and a chatbot prompted a conversation.
  3. We got talking and I told the bot I’d like more information about Hult’s business programs.
  4. During the conversation, the bot showed several options for how international students can process their admission into Hult.
  5. Eventually, I ask the bot to share a brochure for the 2019/2020 academic year.
  6. The bot shared this document and asked the choice of Campus from London, Dubai, Boston or San Francisco?
  7. I called Haida and she chose Dubai — looking through the brochure, she was very impressed with the MBA programme and resumed on September 2nd, 2019.
Conversation with Hultbot — 1 (Opening Conversation)
Conversation with Hultbot — 2 (Ongoing Conversation)
Conversations with Hultbot — 3 (More prompts and Conversion)

Perhaps you are thinking now that Lagos Business School and in fact, all online businesses in Nigeria should have a bot on their website that instantly answers all your questions, right?

Now imagine all the people who visit your website every day but leave because nobody engages them.

Do you have an idea if they even got what they wanted or had questions they wanted to ask?

Probably not!

But you can now use a chatbot to solve this problem and make your website a more effective lead generation and customer support channel.

So, the real question is how can you do this?

To Engage Customers with a Chatbot on your website:

…Simply add a Facebook Messenger widget to your website and watch your website transforms from a sieve into a contact-collecting bucket.

Users will land on your website and instead of passing through like water through sand, you can capture the information of the ones who really are interested and engage them in a conversational way.

So, here are the steps to get a Chatbot set up on your Wordpress website today:

  1. Install the WP-Chatbot plugin onto your WordPress site.
  2. Connect the chatbot to MobileMonkey — check out my article on building chatbots with MobileMonkey here.
  3. Set up a chatbot to respond to people who open up a chat on your website. (The sheer quantity of leads that this widget brings in is astonishing)
Chatbot Plugin for Websites

The chat widget not only functions as a service to interested website visitors, it also allows you to retarget these same customers with promotional messages in the first 24 hours (plus one additional promotional message outside of the 24-hour window).

Although a lot of work goes into educating your bot to serve your visitors and generate quality leads, the opportunities are endless for any brand that gets it right.

If you are not sure how to get started, leave a comment and I’ll be happy to help you.



John, Orakwe John
Inside Futuresoft

I Drive Digital Initiatives — VR/AR, Chatbots, Web and Customer Success. MBA at Nexford University (Class of 2021).