Why you need DATA ANALYTICS for your business

Dare Durojaiye
3 min readOct 30, 2017


In this article, I will highlight five(5) reasons why you need an analytics expert and how your business can benefit from data analytics.

Before we begin, what is data analytics?

According to Search Data Management “Data analytics (DA) is the process of examining data sets in order to draw conclusions about the information they contain, increasingly with the aid of specialized systems and software.”

Business owners now recognize the power of the internet in the day to day business process which have brought about the need for businesses to get a website created.

The question still remains how do you know your website is working properly?

If you have a business website and you don’t have an analytics tool integrated, google analytics is a powerful and free tool you can integrate.

Below are a few reasons why you need analytics:

1. It shows you where your visitors are coming from.

Knowing your traffic source is important to and fundamental to customer acquisition. are your customers coming from social media, Email newsletters or organic web searches? if social media is that answer. what social media platform? Instagram, Twitter or Facebook?
know this can help you know where to focus your advertising budget in other to maximize conversion and put an end to guessing.

2. Insight into website responsivity and how visitors interact with your website.

Yes! analytics can show you how responsive your website is, you can know this by seeing how for instance users visiting for a mobile phone interact with your website. When you notice users from a particular operating system or browser is significantly low, you might want to look into why that is. most time it might be that your website is not well optimized for that operating system or browser.

Web analytics can also give you information on what language your users speak and their location it does this by interacting with the browser with
which your visitors are using to access your website, this can be valuable when you are considering taking your business international.

3. It provide insight into keywords.

Understand the words and phrases that are driving people to our site is important. your analytics can provide you with this information. You’ll be able to dig into your organic search traffic to see which phrases are most effective in helping people find your Website.

You’ll can also find the rate at which people search a term and how searchers keywords performance. For example, how many time users looking for [Stoned Ankara] look at per visit? How long do they stay on your website? Are they new or returning visitors? Does that search term lead to a conversion? Once you understand this information you can cross-reference it with other data to help make important site keyword modifications.

4. It helps you keep tabs on goals.

For this feature, i personally prefer Google Analytics because it helps you track how much your business is progressing and your historical goals.

You can assign an ID of goals to help you track the customer’s journey based on their actions. for instance, a first-time visitor who just landed on your website via search fills out a form providing their email address. This is considered a goal, as it helps you in your customer acquisition journey which in turn adding to the success of your business.

You can set several goals to monitor and study each conversion that takes place on your website.

5. Helps you keep track of trends and new technology.

If a significant number of your website’s visitors are finding you on their mobile devices, you need to make sure your website is responsive and compatible. In cases where your analytics shows you your visitors are mostly on mobile devices, it could be worth it for you to explore building a site specifically designed to serve your mobile visitors.

There are so much you can track with analytics. understanding how your website is performing, how your customers interact and how much of your customers are leaving due to compatibility issues can help you better optimize your website.

If you have any questions in how analytics can help your business growth, leave your questions in the comment section.

Dare Durojaiye is Web Analytics and Social Media Specialist. Connect with me on Twitter @Mr_durojaiye and Instagram @Mr_durojaiye

