This Week in GAFAnomics #17

App Store 2.0 / Amazon taking on India / States Vs GAFA

Inside GAFAnomics®
3 min readJun 13, 2016


“This week in GAFAnomics” features top articles from FABERNOVEL INNOVATE’s internal Slack discussions on the Network Economy. Subscribe to our “Inside GAFAnomics” publication for your weekly dose of curated news about the Network Economy.

Apple is about to change the business model of the AppStore. Apple will introduce a new revenue-share model for developers to push the subscription model for apps. At the same time, Apple announced the introduction of search ads in its iOS App Store, a long expected move.
Apple changed the way we buy and access to software with the launch of the Appstore, can they do it again? — curated by Nuno Ribeiro

After Apple’s move to seduce more developers, Google immediately aligned its Play Store business model with Apple’s. Yet Google announced that the new revenue share (85–15% for subscriptions after a year) will be effective immediately.
Apple and Google are fighting to attract more developers to their Application stores, leveraging the power of crowd creation to become the reference platform — curated by julien breitfeld

Amazon is increasing its investment (5$ Bn in funding since 2013) in its Idian Marketplace to fight local giants Flipkart and Snapdeal.
Amazon, who failed to rival Alibaba in China, the world’s largest e-commerce market, doubles downs its bet in India, the world’s fastest growing e-commerce market. — curated by Patricia Silva

“Rules imposed by the Apple and Google app stores become a kind of law for developers around the world. YouTube’s guidelines become a cultural arbiter anywhere it operates. And Facebook’s news feed algorithm may matter more to journalists in some countries than any particular legal limit on their operations”
As the GAFA are expanding their control over cultural creation and diffusion, setting their own rules and standards, Nation States fear to lose their grip and prepare to fight back to limit the reach of these Tech Giants. — curated by Romain Dauman

That’s all for this week, but you but follow us for more news about GAFAnomics next week! In the meantime, you can check our latest article about Microsoft’s come back!



Inside GAFAnomics®

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