This Week in GAFAnomics #19

Google building Smartphones / Shopping at the tap of a button / WhatsApp to take on Skype?

Inside GAFAnomics®
3 min readJun 28, 2016


“This week in GAFAnomics” features top articles from FABERNOVEL’s internal Slack discussions on the Network Economy. Subscribe to our “Inside GAFAnomics” publication for your weekly dose of curated news about the Network Economy.

Google is in discussions with mobile operators about releasing a Google-branded phone that will extend the company’s move into hardware.
Through Android, Google has a large footstep in the software smartphone market, but it struggled to ensure consistency for its service as its was dependent on hardware manufacturers for its updates. Building its own devices gives Google a full control over its smartphone platform. — Curated by Patrícia Santos Silva

Amazon adds a dozen new brands to its Amazon dash button.
If brands love the program as it generates strong customer loyalty, users barely use the connected device: 50% of owners have never used it.
Amazon tries to simplify the shopping with a “purchase at the tap of a button” experience, but for now, seems like consumers are not willing to give up their old shopping list. — Curated by julien breitfeld

WhatsApp’s 1bn users now make 100 millions calls everyday. Meanwhile, the firm is reportedly testing video calling. Is the messaging giant attempting to take on Skype (300 million users)?
What’s sure is that WhatsApp’s success is due to its mobile centric approach, and its ubiquity makes it a very serious challenger. — Curated by Nuno Ribeiro

New data suggests that Amazon Video comes 3rd in terms of internet usages in the US, only behind Netflix and Youtube. Amazon shows the biggest growth and has surpassed Apple’s Itunes.
A big win for Bezos who wants Amazon Video to become the “Fourth pillar of Amazon (after retail, Prime and Amazon Web Services). — Curated by Kevin Smouts



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