Improving your Holacracy practice with checklists

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3 min readJul 6, 2017

If you’ve implemented Holacracy in your company, you’ve certainly experienced the need for frequent reminders to help your members adopting their new habits.

This is where holaSpirit helps with our latest feature: habit checklists for Holacracy.

Habit checklists to improve your Holacracy practice

Habit checklists are regular actions to execute as a Core Circle Member or in one of the Core Roles defined in the Holacracy Constitution.

With the help of Holacracy certified coaches, we’ve identified 20 checklists.

Habit checklists for Core Roles:

  • I have assigned “all”, Partners to my Circle’s Roles, Weekly , Lead Link
  • All the activities of My Circle are visible in holaSpirit, Weekly , Lead Link
  • I have searched the best fit to fill each Role in my Circle, Monthly , Lead Link
  • I have defined metrics for my Circle, Monthly , Lead Link
  • I have made a review of the metrics. They are still relevant and well assigned., Monthly , Lead Link
  • I have reviewed that Circle accountabilities, which I hold by default, are properly reflected into role accountabilities when needed, Monthly , Lead Link
  • I have made a review of the strategies of my Circle, Quarterly , Lead Link
  • I have made an audit of the meetings and records of Sub-Circles, Quarterly , Facilitator
  • I have scheduled the next tactical meeting, Weekly , Secretary
  • I have scheduled the next governance meeting, Monthly , Secretary

Habit checklists for all circle members:

  • I have named the role when asking something to my colleagues, Daily
  • I have written down my tensions in holaSpirit, Weekly
  • I have made a review of my current Projects and defined Next-Actions, Weekly
  • I have captured new Projects and Next-Actions in holaSpirit. All my stuff is visible in holaSpirit, Weekly
  • I refer to the Constitution when needed, Weekly
  • I clarified the roles involved when talking with a Partner, Weekly
  • I clarified the To: and From: roles involved when writing an email, Weekly
  • I made a review of all the actions taken in the previous meeting, Weekly
  • I have made a review of my roles (purpose, domains, policies, accountabilities), Monthly
  • I have considered if some of the recurring actions I perform implicitly in any of my roles (or outside of them as a recurring individual actions) would benefit from some governance clarity, Monthly

Using habit checklists

To import these checklists, log into your account and go to the Advanced settings page of your administration.

Reminder: this administration page gathers all features that will require specific roles/policies adoption to stay aligned with the Holacracy constitution.

Click on the Import habit checklists link and validate. You will get instantly 20 new global checklists imported in every circles.

Need to adapt or remove one of these checklists? Click on the pencil icon to edit/remove this checklist from all your Circles.

What’s next?

Improving Holacracy practice means how to easily on-board new users and to help them adopting new habits. This new feature is a first step. We’ve plenty of other ideas to develop a so-called ‘virtual online coach’. In case you have interesting ideas, please feel free to share this with us :)

We hope that you’ll enjoy this new feature that will be usable in a few weeks after this first iteration.




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