Let’s Accelerate the Transition of our Businesses Towards Shared Governance!

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4 min readSep 18, 2020

The French pioneer of civic tech Cap Collectif and The NextGen Enterprise Summit, the event dedicated to promoting new ways of management and organization shifting along with 50 European leaders teamed up to launch a citizen consultation on a European scale to rethink the role of businesses in our modern society and rethink our organizational system.

Be it vertical, centralized or structured in isolated silos, our organizational work model is no longer relevant. The observation is unanimous, and the model no longer has a reference value nor does it provide inspiration for us managers or for our employees.

The time where the company was deemed to be an anonymous structure entirely motivated by profit and revenue is way past us.

Our aspiration is not only to create tomorrow’s business, but it is also a response to the crossings of different “fractures”, let it be economical, social, or ecological. The point is to build a new organizational model based on new managerial practices, other methods, and values. This new model is to be thought of and represented in the most concrete and efficient ways.

The expectations are relatively known to all and consensual: More sense, transparency, autonomy, and collaboration. The delicate part of building this new model is to reconcile economical, social, and environmental performances — which will re-establish trust with our customers, collaborators, and every involved party — and this observation is shared by the business leaders as well as other entrepreneurs.

The pressure is undeniably present on all sides: the workforce, social media, and clients are expressing in harmony the same concern and the same aspirations for the companies of tomorrow.

Our organizations aren’t inert nor incapable of renewing themselves, these transitions have started years ago. However, not all of our experiments are met with success and it would be completely absurd to hastily assume that past failures will have the same outcome in the future.

We need to share our ideas and experiences as company leaders with our collaborators, clients, and the parties involved now more than ever.

It is precisely the goal of the consultation that we are launching this Tuesday, September 15th, which revolves around three key queries:

  • How do we move past short term profit?
  • How do we reengage and empower our employees?
  • And lastly, how do we contribute to the growth and well being of all employees?

We urge each and every one of you to participate in the debate in order to connect, complete, or support our own proposals.

Today’s economic ecosystem is lacking debating stations about the environment of business and within our businesses. Our modern world is marked by uncertainty, rendering financial projections hazy and futurists’ divinations questionable. Now is the time to prioritize the collective intelligence of all over the hurtling dynamics of the few to shed light upon our decision-making processes.

Nevertheless, only a solid enough collective advocacy within our companies and through their environment will serve as a bridge to cross the sea that is this sanitary and economical crisis we are drowning in. But this collective mobilization is not decreed by the power word of leaders as it is spontaneous. Linking collaborators and the parties involved in major issues, constraints, opportunities, and decisions proper to the company remains the best way to nurture their adhesion and by extent, their engagement.

As engaged as our companies are to society and their collaborators: it is up to us to give life to the debate from within.

A non-exhaustive list of the first few signatories: Emmanuel Faber (Chairman & CEO at Danone), Isabelle Kocher (ex-CEO Engie Groupe), Henriette Dræbye Rosenquist (CEO Pfizer France), Pascal Demurger (CEO MAIF Group), Alain Roumilhac (CEO Manpower France), Philippe Pinault (CEO Holaspirit & Talkspirit), Carole Avril (General Director at the French Federation of Diabetics), Pierre Sinodinos (CEO ANEO), Luc Bretones (Founder of The NextGen Entreprise Summit & Purpose for Good), Giovanna D’Alessio (Partner at Asterys), Cyril Lage (Founder & President of Cap Collectif), Pierre-Alain Raphan (Deputy LREM of the 10th district of Essone), Bruno Bonnell (Deputy LREM of the 6th district of Rhônes), Olivier Pastor (Co-founder of the University of Nous), Mathieu Castaings (Founder of Finacoop), Alexis Nollet (Co-founder of Ulterïa), Alexandre Dandan (Founder of InneXplore), Alexandre Gérard (President of Inov’On), Bastoun Talec (Associate at HappyWork), Emmanuel Mottrie (President of TMC Group), Martin Richer (Founder of Management & RSE), Michel Bundock (President of Groupement des Chefs d’Entreprise du Québec), Laurent Vuarraz (Founder of Talk), Doug Kirkpatrick (Consultant in management), Jos de Blok (Founder of Buurtzorg), Yan Laurent (General Director at Hôtels Mercure Paris), Eliana Hohl (Consultant in Management), Eric Delannoy (President of Tenzing), Sébastien Crozier (President of CFE-CGC Orange).

Join them and participate in the movement.




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