Making holaSpirit a platform for Self-organization and Holacracy the best “app” on top of it

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2 min readSep 20, 2017

From day one, holaSpirit’s purpose has always been supporting organizations to become Teal as F. Laloux described it in his book Reinventing Organizations. We understand that Teal is not only a way to develop a For-Purpose organization, but also concerns new ways to manage a business in a complex environment, new technologies to support new practices and also supporting new ways of working.

Holacracy is a great methodology that helps organizations to jump into a new paradigm where you no longer wait for someone to tell you what to do, where you can be truly yourself and, where you can offer your best services to the organization’s purpose. We are really happy to have served hundreds of organizations that have chosen Holacracy as their “operating system” and holaSpirit to support their new way of working.

We have also become aware that some other organizations choose different methods to achieve their objective — becoming teal or agile. Some organizations apply Holacracy, some others get inspired by Sociocracy30, or use Management30 principles and some others might use their own principles. Our ambition at holaSpirit is to serve them all.

In the coming weeks, we will make evolutions and improvements on holaSpirit and will gather Holacracy specific rules and support program in a specific app. Our goal is to make holaSpirit simpler to use for those who don’t practice Holacracy and additionally develop more advanced features for Holacracy practitioners at the same time.

Any feedback to share? We would be happy to hear them.




Building the Next-Generation Enterprise Platform. #leadership #futureofwork #teal #responsive organizations #orgdesign.