Personalizing holaSpirit with Custom fields

Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2017
Custom fields let you personalize holaSpirit without any limit

It was one of the most wanted feature of our roadmap. We are super excited to announce that we’ve just released Custom fields.

Custom fields is a cool way to personalize holaSpirit with additional information on your roles or member description. With this new feature, your organization becomes even more explicit.


  • You can now add a location on the member page.
Custom fields for members
  • You can also add any detailed activities which are not related to the Holacracy Constitution such as role activities.
Custom fields for roles

Adding custom fields is a piece of cake! Administrator can define new custom fields in the new Tools tab of the Administration area and choose among 3 types of content: Text, Large text (text area), and List (Multiple choice).

Adding custom fields in administration

Hope you’ll enjoy! It’s now time to celebrate!




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