By Raynor Info Desk student employee Sharon

Looking for something to do to celebrate spookiness this weekend?!

Are you looking for a fun activity to do for Halloween while still social distancing? There is an event called Halloween Blackout.

Halloween Blackout is hosted by The Rave Eagles Club. The Rave is known to be one of the few haunted spots in the Midwest. Halloween Blackout is an opportunity to visit the swimming pool, old bowling alley, and other strange amenities by merely using a flashlight.

Marquette University Archives Photo: “Library staff members model their Halloween costumes. Pictured are Keven Riggle (clown) and Barbara Mollberg (pirate).”


For safety, some regulations are in place due to COVID-19. Individuals must wear a mask and be 18+. The 18+ experience is $40 and one specialized Halloween drink. In addition, there is an option for a midnight 18+ experience; the ticket is $100.

Halloween Blackout has already started to take place (October 22-November 7)!! You can register for this experience through The Rave/Eagles Club homepage online!

Let us know about your experience on Instagram by tagging @marquetteraynor or #MURAYNORHALLOWEENSUGG

About the Author:

​Sharon S. is a junior at MU studying Psychology and minoring in Family Studies. She has been staffing the Raynor Information Desk since she was a freshman. During her free time, she likes to explore downtown Milwaukee and find new restaurants to try!



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