The Best Horror Movies

Recommended by Raynor Info Desk Student Employee Daniel


In the Halloween season, everyone is itching for a great movie to stay in and watch on a chilly fall weekend. Whether they leave you scared to death, chilled to the bone, or give you that rush of adrenaline, everyone has their own opinions about horror movies. It’s hard to deny that horror movies are a major part of our American culture. As a film-lover myself, I have developed a deep love for horror movies. As with any genre, not all horror films are my cup of tea. Horror films, especially as of late, tend to fall into very cheap, and cliché imitations of older, more classic, horror movies. But when a horror movie is done correctly, it can really prove that they are truly one of a kind in the world of cinema. As a side hobby of mine, I like to review movies, so I present to you 5 of my favorite horror movies just in time for the Halloween season. All reviews are spoiler-free!

5. Hereditary (2018)

This film, written and directed by Ari Aster, is the quintessential “psychological horror” movie. Aster uses the point of views from two central characters as they document the strange occurrences that happen to them following a family tragedy. It’s hard not to talk about the incredible camera work and cinematography that is displayed throughout the entire film. Aster uses an abstract version of filming that establishes an overall sense of dread and creepiness throughout the entire film. The two leading actors’ performances, Toni Collette, and Alex Wolff carry this film so heavily. These performances, coupled with Aster’s direction, really allowed this film to shine so heavily for me (The paint-thinner scene being a real stand-out for me!). While I wasn’t necessarily a fan of the ending, I’ve allowed myself to separate my negative feelings about the ending, with my very positive feelings to every part except the final 10 minutes of the film. Overall, a very unique film that isn’t necessarily amazing for its storyline, but instead for Collette and Wolff’s performances and Aster’s incredible filmmaking.

Where to watch:

Amazon Prime

If you liked Hereditary, try this book suggestion:

The Good House by Tananarive Due (Check it out from the library)

4. The Exorcist (1973)

I definitely knew I had to put one classic on here! It’s difficult to speak about horror movies and not mention this 70’s movie that shocked audiences and critics alike upon its release. The Exorcist is about a young girl who is possessed by a demon and her single-mother’s desperate attempts to save her as she watches her daughter slowly slipping away and suffering. While I watched this movie, I wondered to myself why its cultural significance was so high. But to a whole generation of moviegoers, this film was the first of its kind. The general population in the 70’s wasn’t at all familiar with the notion of a horrible entity possessing a young child and displaying special effects that involved her crawling up a flight of stairs backwards or having her head turned all the way around her body. While these effects seem dated now, putting into perspective how horrifying this movie was to that general audience in the 70’s was groundbreaking for the future of horror cinema. The film also has a pretty cool ending as well if you ask me. After watching plenty of horror movies and then watching this one, it is obvious to see all the influences this film had on its successors, and this alone is enough for it to be placed on this list at number 4.

Where to watch:

Amazon Prime (Premium subscription)

If you liked The Exorcist, try this book suggestion:

Rosemary’s Baby by Ira Levin (check out the library’s eBook version here)

3. Scream (1996)

This film, created by horror legend Wes Craven, is one of my favorites due to its nicheness amongst horror movies in general. Instead of the film being about a ghost, or an evil demon, or some other supernatural element, the film plays out like a simple “Whodunnit.” The film stars Neve Campbell, as a high school student on the anniversary of her mother’s murder, who is stalked by a killer in a ghost face mask. The killer single handedly picks off the people around her, and it’s up to her to solve the mystery before it’s too late. Sounds cliché? A little bit, yes. But what the film does so well is the fact that it ACKNOWLEDGES the fact that it is a horror movie that plays off these clichés. There’s a famous scene halfway through in which the main characters state the “rules of horror movies” and that they must abide by them if they want to stay alive. Scream uses this sense of self-awareness throughout it, and this honestly gives it a lot of life. The killer reveal at the climax as a film is also definitely a treat to whoever watches it for the first time. I strongly recommend this film to anyone looking for a fun, thrilling movie, that isn’t a big fan of horror cinema. This movie really isn’t about the scary parts to it, but mostly revolves around its central mystery.

Where to watch:

Hulu (Premium subscription)

If you liked Scream, try this book suggestion:

The Hellfire Club by Peter Straub (check out the library’s print version here)

2. IT (2017)

My runner-up is this fantastic film adapted from the legendary novel by Stephen King. IT, at its heart, takes the viewer back to the 80’s and follows a group of misfit kids who all align together to fight off an evil demonic creature that only arises every 27 years. What I like about this film is the fact how you can tell it is based off of one of the most famous horror novels of all time. All those story-structures, plot elements, character arcs all present in celebrated forms of literature are all present here in this movie. The fact that this story about an evil clown can tie into looking at each of the main characters’ deepest fears and traumatic pasts is truly astonishing to watch play out. Also, while the film utilizes the “jump scare” tactics, I do feel that each scare is set up perfectly and has a great pay-off. There are so memorable scenes in this film, the rock fight and the projector scene being amongst my favorites. I also love the dynamic built between the film’s main characters, each of whom are outcasts in their own way that end up becoming a family with each other. Of course, Bill Skarsgard’s portrayal of Pennywise is so memorable as he portrays this central antagonist with such a unique and horrifying take. Overall, much like its source material, IT continues to entertain horror fans for generations, but not only because of the horror elements, but for the literary themes and components that accompany it.

Where to watch:

Hulu (Premium subscription)

If you liked IT, try this book suggestion:

The Boy Who Drew Monsters by Keith Donohue (Amazon kindle version here)

1. The Conjuring (2013)

When first sitting down to watch The Conjuring on a chilly, fall night my sophomore year of high school, I had no idea I was about to witness some of the best moments in horror cinema history. The Conjuring, based on a true story, is about famed demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren. The Warrens are called in to help a struggling family who are experiencing strange occurrences at their new Rhode Island farmhouse. The cinematography of the movie works to portray an old 70’s type movie, and heavily looks to the Exorcist for its influences. However, I feel that the plot of this movie is its strongest point. The beginning of this movie plays out like a mystery. What is happening to this family, and what can the Warrens do to stop it? As the mystery is explored and as the Warrens slowly figure out what is happening to the family, you get to experience all the puzzle pieces forming together as you witness the intense finale. Also, I am a big fan of all the religious imagery and respect the movie displays. With the Warren’s being devout Catholics, it is interesting to see how their religion ties into their work. The Conjuring also doesn’t rely on corny jump scares to scare its audience. It instead uses the build-up of horror elements sprinkled throughout the movie, and the general build-up of discomfort to evoke the scariness of the movie. 10/10 an amazing film and my favorite horror movie of all time.

Where to watch:

Amazon Prime (Premium subscription)

If you liked The Conjuring, try this book suggestion:

The House Guest by Mark Edwards (Amazon kindle version here)

About the Author

Daniel D. staffs the Raynor Library’s Information Desk and enjoys horror films. He is a senior studying Biomedical Sciences with a minor in Criminology.



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