Meet the Peer Staff!

Name: Maeve Sullivan

Major: French Culture and Studies, with minors in Business and Naval Science

Describe yourself in 3 words: Fun, outgoing, a self-starter

What did you do this past summer? Went back home to Duxbury, Massachusetts and worked as a program coordinator for the leader in training program at summer camp. I also went on our annual family vacation to Nantucket, Cape Cod.

What are three things you put on your bucket list?

Go skydiving

Travel to every continent (2 down, 5 to go!)

Go helicopter skiing in Colorado

What actor (or character from a book) would you want to play you in a movie? Sandra Bullock — she’s a boss

What was your first job? Working as a junior camp counselor and life guarding

What was the best advice you received in preparing you for success in college? Get involved in everything Marquette has to offer (clubs, events) and take advantage. Time here goes so fast!

What’s your favorite thing about Marquette? The location and the student community

What’s the coolest thing you’ve done in Milwaukee? The NEWaukee Night Market during the summer.



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