Where I Go:

Student Worker Sharon Tells Us Where She Goes For Help in the Library!



The Circulation (Circ) Desk is located in the main level of Raynor Library. They are the ones welcoming students into the library!

The specialists at the Circ Deck are responsible for checking out books, housing the lost and found, putting books on hold, loaning dry erase markers, and more! (If you have a fine to pay they also are the desk to go to.) Ever hear the star voice over the intercom when the library is closing? Also the Circ Desk!


The Research & Information Services Desk is located right when you come in. I help staff this desk!

We are the desk that has a half shaped circle or moon shaped desk. There are two or three student specialists/librarians sitting there to help you. We are known to help with finding books, articles, journals, and videos for a project or class. We usually answer the phone and respond to your Library IM chat. We have librarians who specialize in each subject area, which can be useful in knowing for research projects and papers.


The Digital Scholarship is located on the lowest level of Raynor, so you need to take a flight of stairs down or take an elevator down.

They are responsible for providing poster/large printing (upon request; it’s not free), loaning digital equipment (laptops, phone chargers?), consulting digital software and tools, and having a studio for creating and editing.


The Reserves Desk is located in the Memorial Library across the bridge.

Here is a 50-second video describing how to get to the Memorial Library Reserve Desk. This desk is responsible for putting books on hold for students that professors want them to read, check out books from Memorial, and put books back to the shelves.

About the Author:

​Sharon S. is a junior at MU studying Psychology and minoring in Family Studies. She has been staffing the Raynor Information Desk since she was a freshman. During her free time, she likes to explore downtown Milwaukee and find new restaurants to try!



Raynor Memorial Libraries
Inside Information at Raynor Library

A place where people, technology, and the printed word come together in a vibrant atmosphere that advances learning and discovery