Studio Tip of the Week: Reimagining design collaboration with Studio + Freehand

Charles Patterson
Inside Design
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2018

Mates! Greetings from Croatia 🇭🇷 (or shall I say… Dobar dan). I’m excited to share this week’s tip of the week because it brings together two of my absolute favorite and essential design tools — Studio + Freehand.

For those of you who aren’t yet familiar with Freehand, please meet InVision’s live canvas for all things design collaboration. Throughout my projects, I’m always looking for a quick and easy way to brainstorm ideas, share work in progress designs, and get actionable feedback from my team. That’s where Freehand comes in. And now…you can send your designs directly from Studio to Freehand!

To get started, select the Studio artboards you want to share and click the double arrow icon to create a new Freehand.

From the drop-down, launch Freehand in just a click. Login with your InVision username and password (same as your InVision Studio login) and choose a name for your Freehand.

The magic of Freehand is built into its collaborative canvas, so go ahead and invite your teammates to join. Simply click the green ‘Share’ button to grab the Freehand link to invite others to join. You can paste that link in Slack to invite your colleagues or email it to them directly.

Once your teammates have joined, you’ll notice their avatars and different color pens appear in the top right corner. If you’re working on a new user flow, a new feature concept, or just bouncing around ideas, you’ll have an easy way to get feedback through visual or text notes in minutes. Freehand is built with intuitive tools, making it super easy for teammates across all parts of the organization — from marketing to user research — to hop right in and start collaborating.

Fun Freehand tips to take your brainstorming to the next level:

  • Blank canvas: You can start a fresh canvas by creating a brand new Freehand here. Wireframe, brainstorm, ideate…you name it!
  • Freehand for mobile: Now you can create and collaborate on a Freehand through the ease of a native mobile app — across iOS and Android — a perfect use case for your tablets and pencils. Try it out here!

If you haven’t yet downloaded Studio, get it here — it’s free. While you’re at it, give Freehand for a spin and let us know what you think!

