Introducing our blog

Claire Ainsley
Inside the Joseph Rowntree Foundation
2 min readSep 25, 2019
Image of sign post going in different directions set against a sunset
Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash

Welcome to JRF’s brand new blog where we share our story of organisational transformation, so we can learn from others and share what we are learning along the way.

I recently wrote about the changes we have been making in JRF and how we are transitioning into a social change organisation focusing on inspiring action on UK poverty. It was really encouraging to see our journey strike a chord with our partners and people following us from afar, many of which are going through similar transformations. Here’s some of the responses we’ve had so far:

Over the next few months we hope to share more insights. We want to be open and transparent about our change, and share the stories of those within the organisation who are leading aspects of our transformation. Reading about and meeting others has been a really important part of making change effective, so hopefully we can replicate this generosity as well as continue to learn from this work in progress.

Expect to see content covering:

  • How we work alongside people with lived experience and co-design solutions with them.
  • Our continued work on how we talk about poverty to shift attitudes and bring about action.
  • Our digital transformation and journey to becoming an organisation fit to thrive.
  • Our diversity and inclusion work, including reflections and thoughts on approaches.
  • Our journey using new approaches in measuring and evaluating our impact.

And hopefully much more!

We would love to hear more from others on their change processes and how their organisation is transforming. Are you thinking about going through a digital transformation, or have you already started? In what ways are you tailoring approaches to fit your company culture? What have your experiences been so far? Feel free to comment below or get in touch via our social media channels.

