Introducing the Agile Goose

Michelle Vidler
Inside Kahoot!
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2017

Welcome to my first post as the Agile Goose. I’m jumping on the bandwagon like some of my annoying K!rewmates and will be writing about what we’re up to here at Kahoot! You can read their awesome posts in our Medium publication, Inside Kahoot!’.

Basically I wanted to share how we work at Kahoot!, from an agile management perspective.

If you didn’t already know, Kahoot! is a web-based learning platform that makes it super simple to create, play and share fun learning games in minutes, on any subject you want! Learn more about Kahoot! here.

My official role is Agile Coach but I am fondly known as the Agile Goose… Well, not really, it still hasn’t caught on, but I am adamant that it’s hilarious. The name came during a recent holiday with family. After my sister and brother in law informed us that ‘the eagle and sparrow have landed!’ — referring to themselves, I wanted a bird-themed code name of my own so I could join in the fun! So I named myself the ‘Agile Goose’. Because what’s more agile than a goose?! I can’t remember what my brother called himself, something about a leopard, but that’s not important.

With the help of my designer buddy Nathan who likes drawing stuff, we came up with an avatar:

We were going for something that blended Kahoot!, a goose and the agile methodology.

Now all the important stuff is out of the way, I’d like to list what I hope to post about in the future:

  • How our squads are formed
  • The agile methods we’ve adopted
  • Kahoot!’s very own agile manifesto and principles
  • Agile meetings — what works for us
  • Sprint data — what do we collect and why?
  • An insider peek into one of our retrospectives

Thank you for taking the time reading my introductory post! I promise the next will be more informative and professional.

I now remember my brother called himself ….. the lusty leopard.

Over and out, the Agile Goose xx

