The fire in our belly

Johan Brand
Inside Kahoot!
Published in
4 min readDec 7, 2016

We are Kahoot!, the company that makes learning awesome. This post shares our point of view, why we exist and our commitment to “Return on learning”.

“We’re on a mission to make learning something everyone wants to connect with.”


We are no ordinary company. We built the company around the goal to increase quality of life, by making learning more enjoyable and therefore people more productive. We want to right a wrong in education and be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem. We want to prevent the end of something good. Preserve something very human and universal - the playful, emotional, social side of learning and connecting with others.

Kahoot! has created a product that can be described as a user generated trivia and formative assessment platform. It’s reason for success and USP is that it creates a playful, highly engaging and social learning environment by focusing on the emotional side of playing together as a group. Ease-of-use and strong network effects have ensured strong user acquisition.

Bridging the gap

Kahoot! is uniquely positioned to bring the world of popular culture & social tech into the learning environment. By doing so, we help bridge the gap between the “established society”, the knowledge it represents and the new cultural context of the youth. Kahoot! can therefore become the first learning centric product to become a mainstream consumer brand beyond the classroom.

We created a simple mantra based on our founding principles and values: Social, Play, Learning. Which stems from our desire to connect with our purpose, with our users, and based on recommendations by the leading thinkers and thought leaders we respect. Kahoot!’s mantra is:

Make Learning Awesome

Our foundation & raison d’être

Kahoot! + Education

We want to improve education globally, by unlocking the magic of learning for everyone — of any age, aptitude or circumstance.

Because we are building the company with learning at its heart, we chose to address the classroom first. The following is our raison d’être in the education sector. It needs to be seen as the foundation from where we build everything, the trust we build with teachers and students gives us the license to flex outside education to all parts of life.

This is also the foundation of our company culture and what will make us able to create a differentiated brand & product, and therefore a modern consumer brand.

It is imperative to understand that our culture is as important to our future as the products we deliver.

What We’re Here To Do. Our Highest Purpose

Kahoot!’s highest purpose is to help learners realize their deepest potential, in classrooms and beyond. With the ambition to create the most relevant global learning brand for Today’s learner.

The fire in our belly

We believe behind every ordinary classroom is an extraordinary one waiting to be unlocked. Behind every teacher, a great leader of minds and champion of the curious. And behind every student, a classroom hero waiting to be unleashed.

Kahoot! in education

Kahoot!’s highest purpose is to help learners realise their deepest potential. The brand doesn’t seek to force knowledge onto others, but rather ignite the passion to learn from within. The ‘magic’ Kahoot!’ers often talk about is the emotion it brings to learning. It’s the feeling people get inside. It’s the awesome sauce that makes ordinary lessons unforgettable. From the anticipation it generates before a class, to the way it engages people during, to what it enables afterwards. For teachers to students and beyond.

Why does Kahoot! exist?:

One of our most universal human needs is to learn — to discover our world, to connect and to grow. This doesn’t start at school; it starts from the moment we’re born. But the way we’re learning about our world and participating in it has changed fundamentally. Today, the greatest challenges to people realizing their deepest potential aren’t just outdated curriculums or classwork; it’s the learning experience itself. It’s the need to transform it into a more relevant, meaningful, playful and powerful experience for the way people learn today. We believe how we learn is as important as what we learn. We learn best when we’re engaged most deeply. Great teachers have always found ways to connect with their students (and connect those students with what they’re learning). They do it innately. It’s a gift. Kahoot! now gives this gift to everyone.

We believe how we learn is as important as what we learn.


Since our launch in 2013, Kahoot! has turned game-based learning into a pop culture phenomenon. The irreverent game platform now hosts over 35 million MAUs, and has a public library of more than 10 million learning games, created and shared by fans in 180 countries. Kahoot! is on a mission to improve education globally, by unlocking the magic of learning for everyone — of any age, aptitude or circumstance. Let’s play!



Johan Brand
Inside Kahoot!

Founder, Kahoot! & We Are Human, Captain #EntrepreneurShipOne. 1 of 12 Atomico angels, investing in the next cohort of European entrepreneurs .