Kin Kong Is Live and You Can Take It to the Next Level

Tanya Rofman
3 min readJan 15, 2018


Last week we shared all of the awesome projects we hacked and developed during our annual Hack week in Tel Aviv.

Those of you that follow us know by now that the winning project was ‘Kin Kong’ — a trivia application that showcases Kin. Guess what?! We decided to launch it! The app, that was built in 2.5 days, is community driven and is to be seen as such. It’s sole purpose is to have fun and is directed towards our community of crypto experts. However, it has no official affiliation to the Kin Foundation or Kik Interactive Ltd.

Here’s what it looks like:

This week (Jan 8th) we launched Kin Kong (beta version) on Android. Twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10am PT/1pm ET, we post a new series of questions. Whoever answers all three questions correctly, gets a part of the KIN reward. Users have 10 seconds to answer each question. The prize (100K KIN!t) is distributed between the winners within up to 48 hours post the question period (this may vary in accordance with the Ethereum network performance).

Our initial launch on Jan 8th didn’t go as smoothly as we planned for many of our users (including myself) and unfortunately experienced major crashes. However, we did see many participants (and even some winners) and we are super excited to have Kin Kong up and running.

Even though it was only a Hackathon project, we decided to clear our morning schedule and meet for a few hours to figure out how to make this app as good as possible. Initial analysis and debug process revealed that our Firebase subscription was not equipped to deal the overwhelming popularity of the app :) In addition to upgrading the account, we fixed 2 crashes and stress tested the app.

The second session was held on Jan 11th and was a total success! We had some great results that we want to share with you: out of all the participants, 70% answered the first question correctly. One third of those answered the second question correctly, out of which 70% got the 3rd question right and won the prize!

We then gathered some feedback from the community. They loved it and came up with two main requests:

  • Kin Kong for iOS
  • Push notifications. As you can see in the following graph, there was a large gap between the users who opened the app and those who actually participated in the game:

A possible explanation for this gap is not having a push notification reminding the start of the session, therefore, having people miss the first question.

Reminders could be a great idea for all of you who would like to contribute to our community (and this project). Take part in building these features and the coveted iOS app. We welcome you to join our GitHub community project and add your ideas and features for the Kin Kong app here.

As a reminder — to download the app, please copy the link below and open it in a web browser on your device (otherwise it will open a blank page).

It’s super important that you log in BEFORE 10am PT/1pm ET. If you do so after that time, you won’t be able to participate in the game.

Kin Kong in Google Play

Have fun and stay tuned for more updates!



Tanya Rofman

Live and breathe Product & UX | Product @ Guidde | Ex PM @ Travelier Group | Ex PM @ OpenWeb | Practice yoga and wine 🧘🏻‍♀️ Learner of things 🤓