Setup Mobile Automation Test with Appium in MacOS

Mahendra Primanda Yudha Hapsara
Inside Kitabisa
Published in
5 min readDec 5, 2022

What is an Appium?

Appium is the open-source tool for automating the test for native apps, mobile web and hybrid apps, like iOS mobile apps, Android mobile apps and windows desktop platforms. In the Appium, we can write in various programming languages ( ex. Java, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, etc).

The framework used by Appium:

  • iOS 9.3 and above = Apple’s XCUITest
  • iOS 9.3 and below = Apple’s UIAutomation
  • Android 4.3 and above = UiAutomator or UiAutomator2
  • Windows = Microsoft’s WinAppDriver

The installation terms;

  • Nodejs 10+ dan NPM
  • Java +8
  • Android SDK +16
  • MacOS X 10.13 ke atas
  • Xcode +10
  • Carthage
  • Ideviceinstaller
  • iOS-deploy
  • Apple development account
  • Apple developer tools
  • Appium desktop

Installing Java

You can download the Java SE installer from the site below and install it in your notebook.

After the installation finish, run this command in your terminal to see the Java version you installed.

Java -version

Installing NodeJS

Download the installer for NodeJS from the site below and install the downloaded file.

After installing NodeJS, let’s check the version for installed NodeJS and NPM (Node Package Manager) by running this command.

node -vnpm -v

Installing Android Studio

Download the Android Studio installer from this site.

Run and install the downloaded file. If the installation is finished, download your SDK version in “SDK Manager” and after it, create the virtual device in “AVD Manager” or “Virtual Device Manager”.

Installing XCode

Download the latest version of XCode from the App Store.
You can choose the simulator for the iOS version and run a simple project to start the simulator.

Installing Homebrew

For the installation of homebrew, you can follow the step from this site.

Or, you can run this command.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

And if the installation has finished, check the installed homebrew with this command.

brew -v

Install Carthage

Follow the step from this site.

Installing Appium and Appium Desktop

Besides you can follow the steps in the link above, you can also install it directly by running this command.

npm install -g appium

When the installation is finished, let’s check the installed version of the installed Appium.

appium -v

After installing Appium, if you want to use the Appium desktop, please go to this site and then download and install the latest version of Appium Desktop.

Installing Ideviceinstaller

You can see the step from this site.

Or, you are also able to run the command below to install ideviceinstaller.

brew install ideviceinstaller

Installing iOS-Deploy

You can refer to this site to install the ios-deploy.

Or, you can use this command to install it using the homebrew command.

brew install ios-deploy

If you want to use the npm command, use this.

sudo npm install -g ios-deploy

Install and Run the Appium-Doctor

The Appium-doctor is using to diagnose and fix common Node, iOS and Android configuration issues before starting Appium (npm). And run this command to install.

npm i appium-doctor

After installing appium-doctor, you can run it and diagnose by the command below.


Running Appium by Command Line

If the installations above are successful, now we try to run the Appium using the command line or terminal. There are 2 ways to run the Appium. The first way is a run Appium as default (localhost).


If you want to run the Appium using the specific address and port, for example.

appium -a -p 4723


For my project, I used Apache Maven. If you want to know about what is an Apache Maven, you able to see further about it on this site.

And, this is the way to install Apache Maven, by running the command below.

brew install maven

Then, some people use the IntelliJ IDEA as an integrated development environment (IDE) written in Java for developing computer software written in Java, Kotlin, Groovy, and other JVM-based languages (Wiki).

And, let’s install the Intellij IDEA. You are able to download the installer of Intellij IDEA from this site.

Choose the “Comunity” version if you want for it free, download the .dmg file and follow the step to install it.

There is also another IDE that is commonly used by developers, namely Visual Studio Code. Visit the site below to download the installer and then install it in your notebook.


That’s all my scribbles, hope it helps. See you in my next scribble.


Nabil, Moataz; Test Automation University — Mobile Automation with Appium in Java;


Intellij IDEA — Jetbrains

Visual Studio Code — Microsoft

Maven Apache

