The Evolving Landscape of Tech Recruiting: A Glimpse Into the Present & Future

Marcus Webster
Inside League
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2023


In today’s fast-paced digital age, the demand for tech talent continues to soar, forcing companies to refine their recruitment strategies. The landscape of tech recruiting is constantly changing, adapting to emerging technologies, changing job market dynamics, and evolving candidate preferences. It’s important to stay ahead in ensuring our tech recruiting processes are reflective of the key trends and challenges. Let’s take a look at how League has thought about our approach to hiring and the industry overall.

Increased Competition for Tech Talent

Companies across industries are fighting for the same pool of talented individuals, making it hard for organizations to attract and retain top tech talent. As a result, League continues to explore other avenues, such as upskilling existing employees, fostering diversity and inclusion, and focusing on candidate experience to stand out in the market. For instance, members of our Benefits Advisory team have used their Career and Development Spending Account funds to take Data Science courses, opening up additional career opportunities at League.

Candidate Experience

Now more than ever, League’s Talent team, and other talent teams alike, are embracing a candidate-centric approach, prioritizing transparent communication, prompt feedback, and a seamless application process. After all, today’s candidates have high expectations when it comes to their job search experience. Our structured interview processes allow candidates to prepare more effectively for their interviews, and empowers recruiters to gather and share specific and helpful feedback so candidates have a strong understanding of how they’re performing throughout the process, helping to satisfy the need for more personalized and meaningful interactions throughout the recruitment process. This individualized experience ensures we stand out in a candidate’s mind when compared to other companies.

Talent Mapping for Long-Term Success

Talent Mapping is a new approach that the Talent team at League has recently begun to utilize as a strategic approach to workforce planning and development. Talent mapping involves identifying and tracking high-potential candidates within the industry, even before specific job openings open. By proactively building relationships with talented individuals, recruiters can create a pipeline of potential candidates for future roles. This approach helps in reducing time-to-fill positions, ensuring a continuous supply of qualified talent, and maintaining a competitive edge in the market. Talent mapping also provides insights into skill gaps and allows organizations to invest in training and development programs to upskill their existing workforce.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) as a Priority

Inclusion is one of our core values, so thinking through diversity, inclusion, equity and belonging are all important parts of our recruiting strategy. We are happy to see that the overall trend in the industry is improving and that promoting DE&I has gained significant traction in tech recruiting. League’s inclusive hiring practices, such as bias awareness training and crafting inclusive job descriptions, help mitigate unconscious biases.

Tech recruiters are also partnering with organizations that focus on diverse talent pipelines and participating in industry-wide initiatives to create a more inclusive tech workforce. Recognizing the benefits of diverse teams, companies are prioritizing DE&I initiatives to foster innovation, creativity, and better problem-solving. Employers are actively striving for gender balance, racial and ethnic diversity, and representation from underrepresented groups. This is especially important at League given we want to drive positive health outcomes for the spectrum of human diversity. Companies that embrace DE&I not only attract a wider range of talent but also enhance their brand reputation and drive positive social impact.


Candidate experience, talent mapping, and diversity, equity, and inclusion have become essential pillars in modern tech recruiting. By showcasing our unique company culture, engaging with potential candidates early, and fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment, League will continue to successfully navigate the evolving tech recruiting landscape and secure the best talent for our #dreamteam.

