Why we are forced to suspend Leak… for a while.

Sébastien Thiriet
Inside Leak
2 min readAug 7, 2014


Here is why we are suspending the service while getting traction.

As you may know if you have read this post, Laurent and I launched Leak 11 days ago because we thought it could be fun to send anonymous emails to friends, coworkers and more, to say everything that cross your mind and that you don’t dare to say. Using anonymity for good. Sometimes it can be hard to tell the truth to someone.
By sharing Leak with our relatives, we quickly understood that we were not the only ones to find it funny and that’s why we decided to post it on Product Hunt. But we were far from expecting such a worldwide success…

Actually, our aim when we built Leak was to do it as quickly as possible: both Laurent and I were engaged in other projects, so we decided to make the product over a week-end.
Technically speaking, this implied to make some drastic choices:

  • Use webflow for the front-end to get a quick, deadly simple, good looking landing page
  • Rely on tierce transactional platforms for the emails sending infrastructure: clearly, no time to build our own emails server because this is a very long time and money consuming process. So we plugged our server to the well-known Mandrill (MailChimp) API.

The problem is that after 1 week, while the buzz toward Leak was growing, Mandrill decided to suspend our account.
Very frustrating but we can understand that: this kind of platform is made to send “opt-in” emails. When you guys use Leak, you send email to someone that is not opt-in. That’s the point.
To maintain the service, we migrated Leak on SendGrid: of course, the same causes produced the same effects and we did not have to wait long before SendGrid kicked us out too.

So what now?

We are absolutly amazed by all your friendly and supporting messages. You definitely love Leak as much as we do and we want to ensure a long-life to Leak. We’re working like hell on that.


To get notified when Leak is back, click here

Pssst: if you think you can help us in any way, please contact us at team[at]justleak.it

Yes, we will ☺

