Aphantasia, Images, Dreams, Hallucinations, and Hyperphantasia

Kathy K
Inside NeuroDivergence
2 min readJan 28, 2023


When your movie film is blank

movie reels
Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash


This word APHANTASIA only came into existence for me just the other day. Really didn’t mean anything just by looking at it. There wasn’t any interest in me for learning about it. Until it became personal. And isn’t that the way it goes? As I found out what the word actually means, I found out that this word might apply to me.


the inability to form mental images of objects that are not present:

“if counting sheep is an abstract concept, or you are unable to visualize the faces of loved ones, you could have aphantasia”

But, I thought to myself, I can visualize certain things, like an outline of someone’s face or the fluffiness of the sheep jumping over a generic wooden gate. But then I realized that even though I see those things, there is no detail in what I’m visualizing. So I went back to Google to ask if there are varying degrees of aphantasia.

From Aphantasia and Its Effect on Memory — NeuroQ

Types of Aphantasia The ability to visualize has extreme variations, ranging from completely absent (aphantasia) to photo-like (hyperphantasia). It can exist on a…



Kathy K
Inside NeuroDivergence

I write about mental health and fiction, mostly dystopian. Imaginatively unusual is preferable but not always possible for me.